Monday, June 5, 2023

We welcome a Balmy Planet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes the above Mockingbird bullshit has the earth half way to the tipping point of the seas rising six feet.

OK, if you were swimming across the Pacific Ocean, and were half way.....would you think you were almost done or you had a hell of a long way to go?

There is half way, and then there is half way.

Forget the earth worm bullshit for a what if the poles melted and the seas rose?

Are you a rich asshole who has a beach house, or has a billion dollar hotel? Hell no, so what do you care if the oceans rise.

How about this heard of that bullshit Polar Vortex. It's colder than hell right? What happens if the poles are ice free as they are telling us, and it is like 50 degrees like Michigan or Bordeaux.........gee no fucking polar vortex freezing Florida oranges off, and no damned 40 below in America or Ukraine.

That means no high fuel bills in the winter, and it does not mean high cooling bills or super heat in the summer either, because guess what? You have all that more water in the oceans it MODERATES the weather even more so things are nicer.

Oh but what about super hurricanes? More bullshit, because a more moderating fluidity in the oceans, means more moderate weather. And here is the born reality in this, the earth's atmosphere is an ocean. It can only hold so much water vapor, meaning you can't get super storms any more than what you have witnessed, because the atmosphere can not load up on more water to feed the storms.

So now you know why I have been hoping for global warming which is bullshit. Those earth worm assholes were promising that the Arctic would be ice free by now and we would be farming the tundra in Canada.........didn't happen and is never going to happen in this many liar world.

So big fucking deal if the oceans did rise. It would be better for things The only thing that made the oceans rise is, it appears was when God dumped a water comet onto the planet which raised the water level about 200 feet. You heard of the continental shelf? This is where the ocean line used to be, and you can see the erosion of the shore line as new beaches were created in the loveliness that all the people of luxury enjoy.

This now concludes this exposure of more bullshit from the wormies.

Nuff Said

