Monday, January 29, 2024

for the aspiring Jew we all are

I thought you were Jewish Elon as you have a goofy name, you run
a computer spy network and everyone hates you.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Elon Musk in Nazi Germany recently related to get more ads on Twitter he was an aspiring Jew. That made me think in how we are all aspiring Jews. I mean no one wants to be a Christophobe like Rob Reiner, but there are lots of Jews I like, like Joan Rivers, Don Rickles, Ivanka helps if they are funny or hot. I don't much care for that Yiddish stuff like Billy Crystal, whining, spitting saliva like Mark Levin, waving arms around and just whining like a model airplane engine that won't start.

I found this picture on Rense of Kamala's husband who is probably Jewish, was observing, National American Jewish Heritage Month. I wonder why Germans never get a month. The Irish get one day to get drunk in March, but other people seem to get a month  to do heritage things.

I wonder what is taught at American Jewish Heritage. Irving Berlin was Jewish and we all like him even though he did racist songs like White Christmas.

I took the time to count the White House Jews and there are 149. I looked up and Bloomberg said how many people worked at the White House, but I don't think any of these people are cleaning toilets or mowing the lawn.

I did the math and the Jewish presence in the White House is 12.54362416107383% of the 1869 people who work there. As they are always throwing White People out of jobs, I wondered what percentage of the population in America is Jewish.

It depends on what you mean by The White House.

The Executive Office of the President currently has about 1,869 full-time equivalent employees. That includes everyone who works for the president who doesn't report to another executive department or agency. Secret Service agents, for example, work at the White House, but are employed by the Department of Homeland Security.

I found the percentage at Pew Research. I don't know why they were looking at how many Jews there are, as it is not like Hitler is going to load them up in cattle cars and bus them to a new job. 2.4% for the population at large and 12. whatever at the White House.

I then wondered just what Jews do in America.

May 11, 2021 ... Pew Research Center estimates that as of 2020, 2.4% of U.S. adults are Jewish, including 1.7% who identify with the Jewish religion and 0.6% who ...

For some reason Pew has a Jew fixation as they knew how many Jews were lawyers.

Dec 10, 2017 ... This 2013 Pew Research survey (which found the number to be 1.8% or 2.2%, depending on how you count) discusses some of the subtleties in the ..

That seems odd as how can there be 2.4% of the population as Jews and 2.2% are laywers? I mean is that all Jews do is become lawyers?

So I was looking around some more and found these stats and I'm starting to call bullshit on these numbers as you can't be a Jew at 2.4% and end up being this many jobs in filling the ranks.

There is a large overrepresentation of Jews in the professions, with an achievement quotient of 5.8 for psychiatrists, 4.0 for dentists, 3.8 for mathematicians, ...

I did some more checking and I honestly have never met a Jew in person in my life, so where are they all at?

(1899 - Present) ; North Carolina, 12,000, 48,935 ; North Dakota, 1,750, 400 ; Ohio, 50,000, 151,640 ; Oklahoma, 4,425 ...

Now here is something odd and I wonder why it is that South Dakota only has 390 Jews. What is it about South Dakota that they don't like that cow chip state? Are they afraid of Indian terrorists or what? I never heard of Indians being anti Semite, so why is it that New York has 1.7 million of them. What is it about New York.

I think there should be a Jew View Review for people as we all aspire to be Jews like Elon Musk, There should be like tourist maps of Jews you could view, as even though California has almost 2 million Jews, that is a big state and you might never come across one and know it. Be like South Dakota, I mean you could search a long time before you found a Jew in a haystack. So it needs to be easier to view a Jew, so we can figure out what they are and be like them.

Personally, I don't want to be a lawyer or those other professions as they do not interest me as much as they do Jews. I found that 47% of doctors in New York are Jews. Must be something about being a doctor there as I'm sure that there are doctors in other places where Jews are phobic about living.

I looked or Jewish celebrities and saw Neil Diamond. I like him as he had lots of good songs, paper ring part time thing.........great lyrics, but then saw these other celebrities and I didn't know most of them. The ones I did know like Seth Rogan is just a jerk, and I don't want to be around jerks.  I saw Adam Sandler, I really liked him, but then he was sucking up to dead Bob Barker, I mean dude was a sex perv who liked cutting sex organs out of animals..........that is kind of like Gaza Holocaust, you really don't want going on social media and liking that kind of stuff as it will bite you later.

In the White House they only employ White Jews, not Black or Brown Jews, so I don't know all the demographics involved if there is a employment sheet that only says Whoopie Goldberg White Priv Jews only allowed.

I think to start of in our aspiring to be Jews that we should have like a list. I like William Shatner and he is a Jew, so that would be like my list, Ivanka Kushner, Neil Diamond, oh and the guy I wrote the time line for to save Hollywood as the greatest actor of all time in Joaquin Phoenix, he says he is Jewish, and I did all that without even knowing that.

I was looking for some beautiful Jewish women, and I really could not find any celebrities. Ivanka really does not count as she is on my list, but we know she is going back to being a Protestant and take the kids with her one day.
That though brings a problem in like Madelyn Albright and the Nuland woman, hideously ugly women who do horrid things in mass deaths. I don't want people like that on my list. I don't think Neil Diamond would hang around with people like that either, so I think I won't have liberals on my list as examples as I want to grow up to be like William Shatner, ,but leave out the homo Sulu thing as I have enough lesbians hitting on me all the time.

I might have to think this Jew thing over too if Elon Musk is one as dude is just weird. He is like a hybrid alien and works for the Defense Intelligence and I don't think a rabbi can make kosher the melding of demon DNA and the seed of man.

I just hope that Dictator Biden is not going to have to be forced to fire 104.144  of his Jewish staff as legally he can only employ 44.856 Jews on his staff due to quotas. There are like six bang babes on the staff and they should be kept, but let us face it they are not a hotties like Jen Psaki, the second most attractive woman in DC.

I'm going to ponder now how to aspire to be Jewish. I hope that Jews will start posting in how to view and review them on a state by state list, so people could just drive by and wave and see a Jew in their natural habitat or maybe stop by and do something Jewish, like at the White House in whatever that staff is doing. It would make a better world and teach us how to all be what we secretly hope to be.

There has been a story circulating in reponse to the charge that Hamas booby trapped a kids bag in Gaza that the Israeli Defense forces have booby trapped food cans to explode.

The facts are these. The people of Gaza are starving for months. They are digging through rubble for food.

Dec 5, 2023 ... As the Israel-Hamas war enters its ninth week, signs are emerging of social order breaking down, with reports of looting by people ...

Enter into this, are these cans which are being found, which are the detonator cans for mines that the United States supplied to the world.

You have probably seen something like this in passing from the old days like Philistines have. Here is a can of Spam with a key like the above to open it.

Detonators explode. You have hundreds of thousands of people who have not eaten for weeks, coming upon boxes of explosives, are not going to reason out what this is. They will bang on it, they will grab tins, they will run off with them in a thousand directions, and open them, be confused, be angry, beat on them and throw them and odds are they will explode.

That is why Hamas was putting out a video warning not to handle these items, which have made it into the western media and become Tel Aviv is booby traping food cans and candy bars.

The reason these charges appears are videos on PBS as this.

Dec 13, 2023 ... JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli soldiers rummaging through private homes in Gaza. Forces destroying plastic figurines in a toy store, or trying to ...

It is the same situation with the 21 IDF troops who were blown up in a house, they were about to destroy like they destroyed thousands of other homes. These are HOMES. The IDF got caught in that operation of demolition as they wired the house to be pulled like the towers on 9 11. Hamas fired a grenade into the building and blew all the demolition team.

Propaganda is a weapon. There is nothing but propaganda in all of this. Tel Aviv has lost the propaganda war as they have acted inhumane and so every charge is believed, and Philistines  have only responded in kind. The first post about Musk and Netanyahu is from the Ashkejew left and like all their propaganda it is dehumanizing humans to win the war for control of the power of Tel Aviv which this is all being set up for..

Nuff Said
