Monday, January 29, 2024

The Big Hole in US Radar


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog noted recently, the United States in their Imperegals are going to be defeated, humiliated and pushed out of the Mideast. Dictator Biden can call it a hard night in 3 US troops killed and over 30 critically injured in a base occupying Syrian lands, attempted to be called "in Jordan" to hide that the District of Criminals are not supposed to be there stealing land or oil, but the reality is, Lord Austin can shed tears and vow retaliation, but America is fighting nits in the sand, and there are as many places for the nits to hide than sand.

This attack rests completely on the Pentagon and Neocons who now are the patsies to the Kaganite Imperegals allied with London to occupy Muslim lands while America bleeds.

The Lame Cherry only covers this story, for one reason of interest as it is the reason that the Militia Resistance, meaning Iran, meaning Russian tacticians figured out how to defeat thee most advanced American missile protection the United States has. The Russians have defeated Aegis by attacking from above. There is no other information on this successful attack on a US occupational base, but that it was this successful, that it was more than one drone, means that a massive hole has been found.

The Lame Cherry will elaborate.

The sources mentioned that "the drones managed to bypass an advanced air defense system and penetrated the al-Tanf Base." They also noted that this attack came one day after the attacks on the Conoco base north of Deir Ezzor, which resulted in the injury of three soldiers.

Later, citing a US official, Reuters reported that the number of US soldiers injured in the drone attack in north East Jordan has risen to 34.

This occupational base as can be seen is on level ground, with not any terrain to hide in, as a wash to fly up, or mountains to hide behind. That is crucial in this in attempting to find the hole in this as this hole is going to be exploited times more gallons of US blood being spilled.

The Lame Cherry can venture an estimate in this in how these drones got in.

The drones might have been carried in or driven in, inside the radar and they were then activated to carry out this attack.

The drones may have flown in very low, but advanced radars can pick up bugs crawling as the Tel Aviv wall surrounding Gaza, in that the drones may have flown piggy back on a US Hummer or some other convoy and arrived at the target zone that way.

Last and least, the drones flew high and dove straight down as US radar is vulnerable. They would have been picked up though coming in.

In order to carry out this attack, this was advanced knowledge of the barracks the troops were concentrated in, as much as if this was piggy back, there was inside information to coordinate this. I will add one more reality which is even more problematic for Lord Austin and Dictator Biden, these drones may have stealth or radar absorbing paint on them. Whatever took place, Lord Austin should be vowing less taking revenge with the Dictator, in a greater Mideast war, and more alarm over just how these drones got past a front line protection radar and missile defense.

The way has been shown now and the gate cleared. One can expect more of these cheap and effective CDA Coordinated Drone Attacks as this is the things that sapper dreams are  made of. The only protection from this is multiple sand bags and sand bag doors which a drone can not fly into the protective compartment.

Obama started this Goddamn droning of people. Gave Iran a drone the technology by shooting it down and Biden has opened up Kiev Nazi drone warfare on Russia. The peoples attacked are now going to bring this war by drones in full force into America.
Note in this, that the same radars which were breached are the same radars on Aegis ships. These Yemeni's get a drone onto a ship and fly it into a weapon's hold and that is the end of that that. The aircraft carriers have the biggest holes in them and biggest payloads of bombs.

As more information appeared in writing this, the ruse of this base in Syria is based on the reality that what was hit was Tower 22, again an open location base, which is the logistics and support, along with what appears to be a command and control electronic spy network for this region.

Tower 22, which houses a small US logistics outpost, is located in Jordan’s northeast close to the borders with Iraq and Syria.

Public information about the outpost is limited. However, according to media reports, Tower 22 serves as a supply hub for the nearby US garrison of al-Tanf located across the border in Syria.

At least 350 US Army and Air Force soldiers are also stationed there. It is unclear what type of weapons are kept at the outpost and the nature of air defences used.

Stupidly naming it Tower 22, tells the world there are 21 other targets in the region to attack in the same successful way. This was strategic and pinpoint accurate. The militias knew where to attack, and that means aerial photos and assets operating in the area, and probably inside this base complex in Syria and Jordan.
Until more strikes take place so more information is forced out, we are not going to know how this success is being achieved.

This is the game changer.

PS: If these US troops which were hit, were not in bunkers with sand bags, Lord Austin should be fired or impeached as this Gaza Holocaust has been going on for months, and the data recorded shows hundreds of attacks on Americans which have been covered up by the media and regime.

Nuff Said
