Monday, February 5, 2024

Grow some JuBalls

But Dan I'm here to influence US policy for Tel Aviv, not Americans.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Gee Bill, why don't your family hire the English to make up a fake dossier on the DIA's Tucker Carlson to destroy him like you hired the English to make up the fake Trump dossier on Russiagate.

Gee Bill, why don't you have your race just blow up Tucker's home, assassinate him abroad, like they are doing in Gaza.

Gee Bill, why don't you dispatch a B 1 bomber and blow up Tucker at the Russian ballet and then steal Russian oil, like your con men are doing in Syria.

So grow some JuBalls  there Bill Kristol and stop being a wimp in stopping Tucker at the border, wow and you can't stop millions of invaders at the border, but be like your representatives and your family in frame people, lure them out, commit holocausts.......hell make Tucker the new Ashli Babbitt and murder him in the US Capitol and have the FBI say it is all Tucker's fault for being invited in.

Editors Note: It must be really shitty to be Bill Kristol in the abandoned neocons for the Kaganites which rule, as you are a fat old man, who has nothing for CIA platforms, and all you have is Twitter  to be ordered out to post Nazi things to try and make yourself a talking point for three seconds.

Once you sell your soul they trot you out from your hospital bed and make you perform Lord Austin tricks.

Nuff Said

