Sunday, February 4, 2024

So you think your Government sucks shit under Dictator Biden

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Honestly, after being told of what is taking place in Quebec Canada, I don't feel so bad existing in the shit hole of the United States after Birther Hussein screwed everything up, because Canada is one big Obamacare computer foul up and this is the story.

Apparently Quebec got the genius idea from Ottawa Castro jr, that they did not need people anymore, so they fired all the Department of Motor Vehicle two leggers for an automated system which apparently was built by Indians as the Quebecois soon learned that trying to renew their license plates was impossible. The site would not work and it would kick you off.

To remedy this the Quebecois went to the DMV to get their licenses. There were lines two blocks long all day. So when closing time came, vouchers were handed out by the remaining geniuses of the government for people to return the next day to get plates.

Some Quebecois had better ideas in they just were driving around like foreigners, so the cops handed out citations, not caring that they could not get licenses. Others who sat around for hours online with the Obama system, actually ordered their plates, but when it came time to pay, nothing happened, it kicked them to the end of the road page and as there was no one to contact, they just closed things out and their plates arrived without being paid for. Quebec upon discovering this, sent out notices to demand people paid for their licenses.

I was on the Quebec site and it seems in Canada that you have to have a different license for the colour of the vehicle you have.

Here is the list of categories.

Temporary Plates

Passenger Plates (Two different prefixes in categories)

Two or three wheel motorcycles.

Two or three wheel scooters

Off road vehicles

Farm Tractors



Mini Buses


Trailers and Camping Trailers

Commercial Plates

Plates for restricted areas you can not drive in

Veterans Plates

Ham Radio Operators Plates

Electric cars

Dealer Plates

The Quebec regime is so anal about this, that there is even a special plate for electric vehicles that operate off road.

Finally there are personalized license plates.

For farmers there is no why did the chicken cross the road, as a tractor that even crosses a road, not drives on a road, but crosses a road must have a license plate on it.

If you don't have a license plate it seems that Quebec is quite anal about it. There are strange fines in Quebec too in allot of money if you are car surfing, meaning riding on the hood of a car. In Quebec, unless you are doing something Trudea treasonous, you really get persecuted for it.

Honestly, it is January 6th every day in Canada. Canadians are the most persecuted and hunted down people on the planet. I don't even think Kim Jong Un is as a bad as Montreal and Ottawa combined.

Dec 19, 2023 ... Passenger Vehicles (personal use) ; $59.00.

Apr 26, 2022 ... An Ontario woman says police in western Quebec gave her a ticket for nearly $500 for not renewing her vehicle licence plate, which was OK in ...

The reality is, that Canada has all the bad woke shit that America has, but it has a very unhealthy King Charles dose of what those turnip head English put up with every day. I don't know why those people do not go insane for how ludicrous things are, but all that shit is coming to America too as who has not enjoyed the fun of phone tag with computers, repeating HELP non stop until they put you through to someone in the Philippines who you can understand about 5 out of 9 words, with the din in the background of people eating, playing and talking to other people in America who can't get things to work.

Quebec though does invest in warnings. This one is puzzling to me as I can not figure out if it is warning about children being molested or being run over by Quebcois in their vehicles.

It is even more puzzling as the child is Chinese.

Watch out for Children

The child may be yours

I guess it probably is about not running over your own children with cars.........well at least if they are Chinese.

Nuff Said
