Saturday, February 3, 2024



for the little peoples

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry posted decades ago that America was dead, no one believed me, and few held out hope, but it is a fact now this popular girl was right again as I live in the future.

As we have been informed by Klaus Schwab that elections are over, and we know they are as America has not had a straight election since Ronald Reagan which was not crooked, as Obama had 10 million votes flipped for him twice and no one voted for Dictator Biden 81 million times.

The cartel has won. They have so exiled people from American government in not trusting anything, that the Lame Cherry is telling you that your thoughts should be focused on what kind of regime do you want to be in existence under.

I don't want the thuggery of Dictator Joe, no more than I want to be abandoned by Donald Trump again. The Deuce..........he is delusional if he thinks he is being led in to take the power away from the oligarchs. So we need to figure out what we want.

I know I do not want that horse boy and quadroon Meghan sent in by the Queen to rule in America as regents, especially now that Queen Kate has been done in by the vax with turbo cancer. These Normans are hideous creatures and do hideous things and is why we have a hideous world in the District of Crime.

As I have advocated that the world needs a Queen of Jerusalem, and it should be Ivanka Trump to bring peace, I think America should now that the Constitution is dead, should make Ivanka, not her old man, as the next leader, but permanent so that ugly Big Mike Obama can not brute it's way into the Oval Office.

Ivanka could have the title of REGINA PACIS, or Queen of Peace. No competition with Melania Trumps Mary who is not the Queen of Heaven and as Jesus is the King of Peace, but Ivanka would just be Queen of Peace in North America.

No I'm not saying the United States should be absorbed into that Bush thing NAFTA, but that America would just annex Mexico and Canada as we don't need them as there are just White Spaniard crooks in Mexico and same with Ottawa is Trudeau is Castro's little bastard. So Ivanka would be Queen, no elections, and we would keep our rights in the 10 Amendments and forget about that other jumble of words which are unnecessary.

Ivanka is a Jew Convert, but we all know that she is not going to stay in that religion. She will come home to be a Protestant, bring her children along and we will all gather around our German holidays like Christmas and be one happy Ivanka people.

As a Jew in name only, Ivanka would appease the Jews and the weird people who worship Jews like that Ziongelical Speaker Johnson. There would be something for everyone, hell, the Muslims loved Jared as a Jew boy and wanted to make peace, until Tel Aviv blew up the Abraham Accords. So who do you know could unite Christians, Catholics, Muslims and Jewry, but Ivanka, and she would be Queen of Jerusalem, get to stand by the Holy of Holies in the Temple to be built and keep that ole anti Christ out from making the place an abomination which is desolate.

Sure I'm banking on Jesus coming back as I like Ivanka a whole lot, but she might get tired of being Regina with a Vagina in Washington DC, as she is a vibrant woman and might want to do other things like trade in her husband for new ones like her mum did, maybe be a cowgirl in making Sonora her ranch down in Mexico or maybe she just wants to go out and gas the Jews like Hitler as you never know what people get in their heads as Hitler was a Jew like Ivanka and turned on his own people, but it is all legal when you are a regal.

So while we all love Jews, the said apples of God's eye and aspire like Elon Musk to be a Jew, Ivanka is the trend in coming home to her Christian roots as the leader of America, with no more Klaus Schwab elections or any other clutter that is passing away.

If you have your own ideas about government in the near future, by all means we should discuss all of this stuff as, and I mean you discuss it as I don't want to hear your stupid ideas, but others will, and then we all can come to a majority position of figuring Ivanka is better...........

Than what we have before us now.

Is better than Big Mike Obama

Is better than communism.

Is better than socialism

Is better than London.

Is better than horse boy Harry and Meghan.

Is better than everything else out there.

I also think Ivanka needs some Cromwell kind of advisors. I like that Governor Cuomo. He has lots of positives in he likes molesting women and is not a faggot. He told all of us the facts that everyone hates the Dictator, the Governor of New York and Mayor of New York, all democrats and erasing us with invaders. He would make a dandy Privy Counselor. Allot better than them traitors her old man betrayed America with.
There could be like a list of a dozen of them and Ivanka's little people could petition her to cut off a couple of their heads a year if we did not like it. It would be different than Jews who could get Rome to pardon some murderer like in Jesus day, in this the little people could look forward to a few executions to get revenge for our shitty lives.

Oh and Ivanka could put Ted Broer on the Counsel. I know he is not well known, but he dominates discussions and is a Right Wing Cuomo kind of guy who does not molest women, just dates allot of them as the Wuhan, well it was probably L strain virus laced on a water bottle as that is how they picked off people to cough up blood, but Ted would be good  for Ivanka to listen to.

Oh and every monarch needs a religious counselor and that would be Brother Nathaniel. He is one of Ivanka's Chabad people, but he escaped unlike Ivanka and he could school the children on Jesus and that Jew stuff to help Ivanka transition 

I'm not going to suggest any more for Ivanka, as she is a big girl and can have people around like Kayne West now that he dumped that fat ass wife of his with jungle fever and Kevin Sorbo, he would be a solid Citizen for her to listen to.

Oh Ivanka would control the Army too, so that there would not be any coups going on. We could get rid of the police state like the FBI as crime would cease under Ivanka as we would all be at peace and law abiding.

That's about it to get this started before Klaus Schwab appoints someone like Obama again and one birther is more than enough to make the world into a genocide zone.

Nuff Said
