Saturday, February 3, 2024

Cumming 2 America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is past time that those Ziongelicals worshiping at the finance of Tel Aviv put America first and stop Lord Austin, Victoria Nuland and Dictator Biden in these wars they are starting by voting to not allow any more attacks without Congressional approval, as we are reaching the point of no return.

There are two major realities about to unfold.

The United States bending over for King Charles engorged prostate up the ass, sent nuclear warheads back into England.

The word is now that President Putin of Russia is moving to send nuclear missiles back into Cuba.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared his intention to deploy nuclear weapons to Cuba, marking a significant move reminiscent of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. This decision comes in response to the recent announcement by the United States to transfer nuclear weapons to the UK within the next three weeks, according to Pentagon documents.

The planned return of US nuclear weapons to the UK is part of a broader NATO initiative aimed at enhancing nuclear sites, a response to increased tensions with Russia following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. However, Moscow has issued a stern warning, asserting that the transfer of US nuclear warheads to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, UK, would be considered an “escalation” and cross a “red line.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized Moscow’s position, stating, “No, no, no. We have told you time and time again not to send nuclear weapons to our doorstep in Europe

The second part of this is the Pentagon is now planning a week long bombing venture against Iranians, outside of Iran over the militia attack on the US occupation base in Syria. There is a problem in this in Iran has hosts of operatives as does Hezbollah all through the United States, South America and Mexico. The point in this is simple, think of Yemen throwing drones and missiles into there theater, and you can see the same Muslims throwing up salvos of missiles and drones, if they have any sense into Biden Red States, which will destroy what is left of the US economy.

US officials told NBC News that the US is planning to launch a weeks-long bombing campaign in the Middle East in retaliation for the drone attack in northeast Jordan that killed three American soldiers.

The officials said that the targets are expected to include Iranian targets outside of Iran, and the campaign will involve strikes and cyber operations. Other reports have said the US is considering targeting Iranians in Iraq and Syria or the Iranian navy.

While the potential targets are not inside Iran, direct attacks on the Iranian military could provoke a full-blown war between the US and Iran. The US is considering taking this course of action even though the Pentagon admitted it has no evidence Iran was directly involved in the drone attack in Jordan.

The Pentagon has said the Jordan attack had the “footprints” of Kataib Hezbollah, one of the main Shia militias in Iraq

Both Russia and these Muslims are not going to accept being punching bags for Pandora Box District of Criminals adventurism bullying. There are now means and the methods where the war industry of California will be wiped out, US facilities  will be wiped out, US pipelines and ports will be wiped out and oil wells in the Gulf will be on fire and leaking millions of gallons of oil into those waters.

That is the good part in this, as if  Russia puts those hypersonics into Cuba, Russia does not have to hit America with nuclear bombs. Russia can with one missile obliterate military bases, docking facilities, ports and whatever else it chooses to make the point.

The Lame Cherry can project this out in the Russian and Iranian order of battle. They have proven very prudent and astute in their actions. They will use conventional weapons if it comes to the point of the attack. They will in all likelihood not attack Ronald Reagan areas, as they do not want to weld the Patriots back into this cabal that rules America and has been hunting down 75 million Americans since January 6th. Instead Moscow and Tehran focus on causing problems like nuclear power plants being hit, raising the metro criminal strongholds to rubble, and hitting the police state which has been subduing Americans for a number of years. They would want the armed White and Blacks to rise up, and be a force which will overthrow the oligarch criminals, and that does include DIA asset Donald Trump, for a real leadership change in America back to an honest broker like Ronald Reagan in which peaceful existence can be maintained.

While this cabal is putting US troops to help mass murder in Gaza, Russia has it's own order of battle, conventional warfare with super weapons and a guiding hand which will use the proxy resources of Hezbollah and Iran to place the attacks on targets which will crumble this London and Tel Aviv cabal which rules America in these endless wars for the Imperegals.

This will not be about shutting down Mideast oil flow. This will be about targeting the pimps of the hedgefunds and wars to topple this corrupt regime in the District of Criminals.

This is what those hunted down Americans have been silently biding time for, someone to neutralize their chainmasters and set them at liberty to make the moves they are going to have to learn quickly and get right, before they start getting bombed with their own weapons.

This is most interesting in the cartels bringing down of America.

Nuff Said
