Monday, March 18, 2024

Dreams of Combined Thought

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had an unsettling dream. More than sorting dream.

Dreams are symbolism. Mine was by the lake. Water means many people. I know it was the Brier community which was there, but people at a distant.

The main focus was our gal at the grocery, which symbolizes food. Another was the patriarch of a farming family, long dead. That is continuity of business and family.

I was watching the skies and it was for nuclear exchanges. America had things airborne. When I asked the patriarch a statement in, "Bombs have gone off", he replied in the affirmative.

I did not feel they were in America, but overseas.

I saw a B 1 flying with two ICBM's under it's wings. It was awkward and does not happen as it tried to climb. The weapons are awkward in what the interpretation is.

I'm not predicting anything. Am just stating what I plugged into in the matrix and the symbolism of the meanting. The statement was not to tell the women as it would alarm them.

That was the dream.

The reality is HAARP in what the Pentagon and the European models have two weeks ago planned for what they were ordered to do to contain fallout for this week into next.

I can show you the models whcih are all over the place in this snowpocalypse again.

What has astounded me is the Russians KNOW of HAARP and this containment doctrine. It takes 2 weeks to generate this shit. So why doesn't Russia just wait until this HAARP containment is done and then launch their strikes? Yes the land based silos are first launch, but the reality is, the Kremlin has proven they are not reactionary. It would be in their interest to let things settle and then go or the gold. Meaning if they waited these HAARP super stors would move east and in that tow start pulling all that air from the west with them. In essence, Russia would use HAARP against the cartel and cause a spread into areas which was not inhabited by cows.

So the cartel for all their lezbo geniuses are flat brain. They have been pounding the hell out of Christian America, thinking they were going to make an extermination zone there, but Russia will wait and turn this back on them as they did in Ukraine and Syria by waiting out the 5 days of northeast winds that these brilliant weather mods have been tipping their hands over for a decade in teaching Russia what they are capable of.

These immortal wanna bes are not that all knowing. No one challenges their Schwabian intellect and points out the flaws which the Slavs will already be plotting for.

As it is, the dream is what all these minds are thinking about in the matrix. They are all preparing, but I do not believe that this is the time for anything on this side of the ocean. There is though what they are all preparing for on the other side of the ocean, which is the reason all of this is going active in containment.

So do not be a bunch of non donor assholes and say I was fear porning. I have stated there was a focal point and that I do not believe this is 48 centric at this time. Something though was planned weeks ago and HAARP moved to contain it as the domino might start to go out of control.

It is what it is. I still have to struggle in  trying to get chit done as I have animals to feed and things to do while running this blog in attempting to share information in what that river of combined thought is thinking at the moment.

Putin Warns The West A Russia-NATO Conflict
Is Just One Step From WWIII

Nuff Said
