Monday, March 18, 2024



I was never good at math, just counting the pounds of flesh.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to revisit some bad propaganda, as I really detest bad propaganda, because bad propaganda is put out by stupid and inept people.

Enter the Ashkeew Abe Wyner, who with odd assumptions, connects the dots and says that the Philistines have not been murdered by Tel Aviv at 30,000 dead...........but he does exude a satisfaction that his numbers prove that Tel Aviv is slaughtering 1 "fighter" for every 1 to 1.4 children. For some reason if the numbers, which reflect the real population of Gaza in 50% are children, 25% women and 25% men, is troubling when the death rate is like 2 kids to ever fighter, but it is ok if it is 1.4 kids. Blood libel apparently has it's limits.

I will meet you on the other side for some real statistics.

Authored by Abraham Wyner via,

The number of civilian casualties in Gaza has been at the centre of international attention since the start of the war. The main source for the data has been the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, which now claims more than 30,000 dead, the majority of which it says are children and women

OK, so 30,000 dead Philistines in a little over 6 months in Gaza is called a lie. How can we know? We can take an American city, as in Jew York City and look at their population and death rate to compare what is "normal".

Apr 6, 2020 ... As for the number of daily deaths in New York City, we estimate based on 2018-2019 US Census numbers that approximately 194 people die every day ...

So 365 days in year, 194 dead JuYorkers a year would be 70, 810.

New York has almost 8 million people in that golden ghetto, while we see Gaza has around 2.5 million in the strip. Basically we have a mathematical ratio of there are 3.2 JuYorkers for every Philistine in the strip.

Meet you on the other side for the grande comparison. 

The current population of New York CityNew York is 7,931,147 based on our projections of the latest US Census estimates.The last official US Census in 2020 ...

• 2022 estimate

So, 30,000 dead Philistines in like half a year out of a population of 2.5 million. 70,000 dead JuYorkers in a year, would be 35,000 in 6 months without a war, without being denied medical car and without advanced stress in dying from cold and hunger.

So in the 3.2 ratio, there should be, 112,000 dead JuYorkers if Canada was bombing JuYork, but as Canada is not bombing JuYork only 70 thousand are dead, or 35,000 in 6 months or 56,000 in 6 months for JuYork City.

The Lame Cherry states again, there are confirmed reports of people denied medical care, and if that happened in JuYork City, allot of dialysis, cancer, heart, O2 and diabetics would die.

In New York, around 10% of the population has diabetes, so one can run the numbers on 2.5 million Philistines denied treatment and see that real number is 250,000 dead.

New York’s diabetes epidemic: § Approximately 1,717,067 people in New York, or 10.7% of the adult population, have diagnosed diabetes.

So either Hamas is not reporting all of the dead, or Tel Aviv using Biden bombs to blow up people is a c cure for cancer.

This is why  I detest bad propaganda like the 6 million number, as when one starts running the numbers the numbers do not add up, and expose those like dishonest Abe for being liars who really hurt the Jewish cause with really inept propaganda.

Ralph Nader has estimated that over 200,000 Philistines were mass murdered and are buried in the rubble of what where cities. His numbers are in fact closer to reality in projections of those people blown up and dying of cold, hunger and not receiving treatments from preemie babies to geezers with cancer.

People who try to obfuscate information with numbers or big words to confuse people with overloaded data, will run into someone sooner and later who will run the numbers based on data, and expose them for their ruse and have their credibility ruined as there is always a percentage of people who will come across the information and remember it, and bring it up the next time this psyop is deployed against the mass population.

As the numbers do not lie, and I do not exhibit bad propaganda, there is little more to be said to dismiss the original fabrications of the propaganda.

Nuff Said
