Friday, March 29, 2024

Grace in the Wilderness


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For all the Judgment which is coming on the people of the West for their abomionations, like our forefathers, Israel and Judah, God does promise Grace for the survivors.

My Holy Ghost led Bible reading was Jeremiah 31 in the first verses. God literally says that the people who survived the war, will find grace in the wilderness.

"those who survived the sword found Grace in the wilderness".

For those idiots which are many, they are probably thinking, "Gee I'm going to be out in the Klondike after all of this and I really do not want to be in the wilderness like the desert of Sinai".

They should not worry because they will not survive. This is for obedient children only.

One should keep in mind something. If you can, look out your window as you read this, and if not picture your neighborhood or area. If George Washington's vision is correct, which I believe it was, what you are looking at is the coming wilderness. We are already in the wilderness which is going to be made by death of a massive number of people from disease, war and whatever else in what people are going to die from.

I enjoy driving home and picturing the future in my mind. I picture what the Brier will look like. A family in out town had their grocery purchased and it is amazing how in a year, the weeds that start growing in the cracks and how things look so ratty.

What America was once ruled by, was wild fires in the prairie and forest. Within 7 years of a breakdown, there will be massive wildfires which will burn out cities and country homes, because people will not be like Pa Ingalls in ploughing a firebreak. Cities will be better off with all that asphalt, but again, if you house in not brick it is going to probably start on fire as it would be doubtful any water supply would be present.

So there will be cleansing fires on the forest and field. That is why there were not trees on the plains, prairie fires burned them off before they could root, unless the willows or cottonwoods were in wetter sloughs.

In 50 years, after Christ's return, I would believe that most roads will be covered with grass and trees will be growing in parking lots. The wilderness is coming and in these cottages that George Washington saw sprouting up in the last advent of America for Americans, people will live like our great grandparents did.

In that kind of labor, it is probably going to take 20 years to get enough horses and mules to fill the need of people, as of course there will be local geniuses who still distill gas and diesel, the greater share of parts will be worn out as production will have ended. No more cast parts of Fords or Farmalls.

So Grace is the Promise of God in the wilderness for the Body of Christ. Unearned favor, that is what we can count on, as we have had all our false gods of validation stripped from us that we trust in.

Nuff Said
