Friday, March 29, 2024

The Cover Up Begins


Thankfully all the Philistines will be dead and I will have only kosher fuel in my tank.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the Pull Down Attack on the Baltimore Bridge which just happened to knock down the one bridge in America which would cripple the American east coast of chemicals and fuel transportation, we are now being told by FOX, that is Ashkejew Anglo Rothschild nation rapists who funded Obama overthrow of America and the coup against Americans that led to January 6th that this is not an attack on America, only dirty fuel.

Is it not amazing that someone knew what was going on for every in a criminal graft and no one did anything or reported on it......until now.

The Lame Cherry is going to explain something so you non donors do not have horse shit on your faces looking like fools again as you explain to your tard friends what is going on and never mention me again in your plagiarism or your stealing from God in not donating here.

Meet you on the other side.

According to Fox News, citing a representative of one shipping company, suspicions that contaminated fuel potentially caused the ship's engine failure and triggered the accident are highly substantiated.

This is a simple theft of money, companies sell clean fuel and refuel with unrefined fuel oil. If no one watches them closely enough, companies will make money on this all the time.

– United Refining Company CEO John Catsimatidis confirms the previous statement.

According to regulations, the level of contamination should not exceed 20% of the total volume of refueling, but it often reaches 100% if the authorities and authorized bodies do not monitor refueling and supply chains at ports. The fact that mass accidents on shipping routes have so far been avoided is an exceptional miracle, not a pattern.

OK, so we have Big Oil saying this as they are getting swindled in no one wants to buy their "clean fuel".

Make sure your bullshit meter is running as the Lame Cherry is going to explain shit to you, so even people with money will get this horse shit for what it is.

OK, in crude oil, it is refined, meaning it is vaporized basically, and the heavy stuff settles out as asphalt for your roads and the stop stuff is gaseous in propane. Lots of things come out of crude oil soup.

In the lower end, you have things like #1 and #2 fuel oil. That does not mean that 2 is "Dirty" to 1, but that it is just a higher volatility like gasoline is more volatile than the oil you put in your car engine.

Then you have diesel fuel. Then kerosene and after kerosene you have high grade jet fuel. Jets basically run on kerosene. That is the layman explanation so it fits in your capacity  to understand.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS UNREFINED FUEL. It is all refined as that is what a refinery is in breaking apart crude oil.

So you at this point understand that there is not such a thing as "dirty fuel". There is not any dirt in crue oil, just levels of volatility in how it breaks down in refinement. I think your fake vanilla you bake with is one of the aromatics from crude oil.

Now here comes the idea of what is going on.When that Diesel guy invented his engine, he meant for it to run on vegetable oil like you cook with.  He was murdered and soon diesel was running on coal oil or what is now known as diesel fuel, because the barons needed a way to get rid of the stuff for profit.

One of the stars of the Lame Cherry in JYG is the living experiment in what burns in diesel motors.If you go out to JYG's you will be greeted with the scents of restaurant oil fryers. The reason is JYG burns waste cooking oil in his equipment. For that matter, JYG in explaining to me what the hell is going on as I'm fascinated how this genius' mind operates, informs me that the dirty oil that comes out of your auto engines, he burns that too in his payloader, backhoes,skid steer and that big thing he cuts metal up with that...........the shears is what he calls it. He used to burn that waste oil in his truck, but there is a big federal law about you can not burn farm diesel on the road or any waste oil. Somehow the highway patrol figured out what JYG was doing all his life, stopped him, sent him to court and told him if he got caught again, he would be fined and in jail. The point is not a lesson in law legalities, but the point is JYG burns real dirty fuel in his diesel engines. Yes French Fry stuff to the motor oils  with all those toxins and dirt end up in his machines and they do not quit running with real dirty fuel.

See a Diesel engine does not run on a spark like gasoline. Diesel runs with fuel injected into the cylinders where the pistons are, and compression detonates the diesel oil, because it is an oil, not a gas.

This all starts ignition with the use of glow plugs in a cold engine, and the heat and compression keep a diesel engine running. When you shut of a diesel, you shut of the fuel, because there is not a spark to stop as in you gasoline engine.

So now you can understand why I call bullshit over this explanation about dirty fuel. If any refinery had "dirty fuel" they would be fined, as the fact is, you can not get dirty fuel out of crude oil.  You can get a lesser grade of volatility, but as JYG has proven by the shit he burns, he is using used engine oil which will not burn if you put a match to it, while diesel will ignite. So when JYG's injectors are not plugging up with that contaminated oil, nothing sitting on the docks from a refinery is going to plug up injectors, because that is the only way you stop a diesel engine is shutting the fuel off, and seriously baby sister, American agriculture with farm dirt and tractors, have fuel  filters in ALL diesel engines, so not even dock fuel is going to clog up those filters, especially since these engines were just checked.

So Lara Logan who I will feature later in a much broader explanation in her take on this take down of America is correct in this was deliberate. The story you are being told is a cover for what happened. It is bullshit, it is horse shit, and you have shit for brains as a non donor for believing it.

Again, no one else has explained any of this as the spin is now spinning as the FBI now hunts down the dirty fuel miesters which do not exist. Yeah all corporate will cut costs, but you are not going to stop a diesel engine by burning #2 fuel oil or any other kind of  oil as diesel is about as low totem poll as it gets until you get into 5 weight oil.

So it is time to donate to the Lame Cherry for saving you from looking like absolute fools again.

PS: No ship owner is going to allow "dirty fuel"in their tanks for the absolute reason, these big engines cost a fortune to overhaul. These ships cost a fortune if they sit idle with a dead engine.It is just common sense, but non donors do not have sense as they go with the flow until they are educated otherwise.

If fuel oil was so "dirty" everyone on the east coast would have their furnaces plugged up in winter as that is what they burn through the same injectors.

This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and if you hear anything about fuel explanations it appeared here first.

Nuff Said

