Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Solutions


the master semite SPIRITUAL race designed by God

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

The following figures do not include the Angela Merkel globalist policies of German extermination, nor the greater German Pioneers who were slaughtered in Russia. This needs to be included in this holocaust of German Assyrians and Israelites, because the author below does not have information on the extended periods of German genocide, which include the following.

Immigrant Germans were forced out of Czarist Russia in huge population shifts. Those that remained in what is now Ukraine, yes those are German American lands in we developed them, communicated to the 1930's with them, when all communication stopped. Stalin by that time had mass murdered those who were left. Those numbers are never tallied.

In the mass German Israelite migrations which were move by God and forced on those American and Canadian Germans, the numbers are never tallied in the deaths of those people exposed to new diseases in America and the tragedy of succumbing to America.

I can speak to these realites as parts of my family experienced all of this. On the maternal side, my family in Prussia like all Germans had everything stolen from them. The paternal side, my Great Great Grandmother Margarthe (pronounced Mar Gar REET) who was in her 90's made the trip to America and died there. She is a statistic not counted.

She is buried like numbers of my people in Germany and America just a few miles from where I reside. I love walking the cemeteries and reading the old names. Grandpa whose name was Carl, but he did not like the name, so he went by Wilhelm his middle name, love the name Katrina, pronounced with that ethnic German cadence which is very pretty.

I know what they went through and the hardships they endured. I know that while we are looking at the statistics below that this exploited White slave class which were used to turn wilderness into America's bread basket, have been mass murdered in Wilson and Roosevelt world wars as fodder, have been experimented on in Rockefeller disease and military spraying and at the present there is a German American holocaust taking place in driving Germans off their family farms which was part of the anti fur and anti meat vegan campaign by the globalists which began in 1930 and again in 1970 to Monsanto agriculture is the FINAL SOLUTION in all of this in wiping out by HAARP and Fauci Flu these innocent peoples.

The last genocide of German Israelites is taking place in the United States and Canada and no one is adding those numbers to the statistics below.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

WORLD WAR I - The Great European War

In WW1, about 1 million Ethnic-German Civilians were genocided by the Starvation Blockade ("Hungerblockade") led by the British Navy in 1914-19. This blockade took its severest effects on the northern and eastern regions of  Germany ( https://en. of_Germany_(1914%E2%80%931919) ) . Added to the Starvation Blockade, a further 0.4 million civilians were genocided in  Germany ,  Bavaria  and  Austri a  during WW1.

If  Germany  had not signed the unjust "peace" treaty of  Versailles  on 28 Jun 1919,  Britain  would have continued to genocide even more of its civilians by this Starvation Blockade, which was clearly an act of State Terrorism.


  1. 270,000 Ethnic-Germans raped to death (of over 2 million rape victims), mostly by the Red Army;
  2. 240,000 excess suicides among Ethnic-Germans in 1919-39 (Interwar Era, Zionist economic war);
  3. 100,000 Ethnic-German POW-Civilians murdered by  Britain  after WW2;
  4. 100,000 more Ethnic-Germans starved from 1 Jan 1951 till 27 May 1955 (outside Bacque's purview);
  5. 70,000 Ethnic-Germans genocided in 1937-39 (Interwar pogroms) in  Poland ,  Czechoslovakia , etc.;
  6. 50,000 Ethnic-Germans genocided in 1937-38 (Interwar Era) by  Russia 's NKVD order 00439;
  7. 30,000 Ethnic-German civilians shot for "sport", and under post-WW2 general shoot-to-kill policies;
  8. 20,000 Ethnic-German civilians mass-murdered in the West post-WW2 (BE, LU, NL, DK, NO, IT, FR);
  9. 310,000 other Ethnic-Germans genocided in 1914-55.


On 23 Mar 1949, Konrad Adenauer gave a speech to the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bern-Switzerland in which he said that a total of 13.3 million Ethnic-Germans had been forced to flee the East, but that only 7.3 million of those German refugees had arrived in the occupied zones of East or  West Germany . He cited their origins as Prussia, Posen, Silesia, Masuria, Pomerania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, and noted:  "Six million Germans simply disappeared; they are dead and gone ['Sechs Millionen Deutsche sind vom Erdboden verschwunden; sie sind gestorben, verdorben']" [Source: Konrad Adenauer's "Erinnerungen 1945-1953", DVA Stuttgart 1965, page 186].

  In "Crimes and Mercies" (2nd edition dated 2003), meticulous Canadian historian James Bacque presented all the detailed statistics, and summarized:  "More than nine million Germans died as a result of Allied starvation and expulsion policies in the first five years after WW2 - a total far in excess of the figures actually reported. That these deaths occurred at all is still being concealed and denied, especially by Western governments"

Germany's foreign-minister Willy Brandt told the German parliament how he had  "to 'instruct' Germany's historians on how to 'correctly' write about the 1.5 million German soldiers still missing 24 years after 1945",  and added that this was because the German Foreign Ministry "wanted to PREVENT said German historians from provoking a public discussion at home and abroad which would only open up old wounds and would not serve the reconciliation efforts of Germany's foreign policy".

[Source: 1969 teilte der deutsche Aussenminister Willy Brandt dem Deutschen Bundestag mit, dass das deutsche Aussenministerium sich IN DAS VERLAGSWESEN EINMISCHEN MÜSSE. So konnte er eine Gruppe deutscher Autoren "anweisen", wie sie über die 1,5 Millionen deutscher Soldaten "richtig" zu schreiben hätten, die "24 Jahre nach 1945 noch immer vermisst waren". Willy Brandt sagte, dies geschehe deshalb, um die Autoren davon abzuhalten, eine Diskussion in der Öffentlichkeit des Inlandes und gar Auslandes zu provozieren, die nur alte Wunden wieder aufreissen würde und die auf Versöhnung ausgerichtete Aussenpolitik "nicht dienlich wäre".]


Alan Bullock's 3.81 million before 8 May 1945; 7 million perished refugees from the East; 9 million starved under the Morgenthau Plan; 2.6 million murdered POW-Civilians; 12 million illegal abortions due to systemic rape; 1.4 million Civilians genocided in WW1; and 1.2 million other Civilians (including women raped to death, Interwar pogroms, Russia's NKVD Order 00439, German Civilians shot for "sport").

That gives us a final plain estimate of  37 million  for the TOTAL genocide of Ethnic-German Civilians in the German Holocaust of 1914-55, but, most atrociously of all, 30 million of those victims after "VE Day", 8 May 1945.

Just remember this is not done. The cartel means to Russian wipe out Germans in the coming Great Eursasian War  and in America the German Israelite are going to soon be erased and replaced.

If you want the reality of it all, the cartel which runs the District of Criminals is going to mass murder the Germans of Europe, and then this Bush, Biden, Obama, Trump invasion is going to out vote Americans and vote to confiscate all they have and send them back to Europe where they came from to settle those toxic radioactive lands.

If Christ does not return, this is the final solution which awaits most of us and our offspring in the next decades.

These are the children of Shem, all of them from Iran to Germany to the Lost 10.

That is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
