Thursday, April 25, 2024

Laddy Obama

Thee Obama Legacy of the World on Fire

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Laddy Obama, children hungry at your breast
How many nations ruined at your behest
Laddy Obama, nobel peace bankrupts the poor
What brand of tampon bleeds world war.

May 14, 2016 ... If the United States remains in combat in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria until the end of Obama's term — a near certainty — he will leave ...

Jan 17, 2017 ... A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama's two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush.

Laddy Obama, mother of the holocaust
Wonder how many children in Gaza were lost
Laddy Obama, a shemale in disguise
Deaf to the legion of children's cries

Jan 10, 2020 ... Libya's ongoing destruction belongs to Hillary Clinton more than anyone else. It was she who pushed President Barack Obama to launch his ...

Laddy Obama, a boy since a tyke
Married a Birther, now she's Big Mike
Laddy Obama, running in 2024
Not on three legs, but just one more

Jan 10, 2017 ... Their fate, as well as that of the prison itself, will soon be in the hands of President-elect Trump. Drone strikes/targeted killing. Although ...


This is thee Obama legacy. Maleshe &Shemale, destabilized the 3rd world to cause mass invader waves in Europe and America to end the First World, so their caste of the few could rule the ashes of what was the free world.
They started this for their benefactors and the fuse lit, this will be the Obama World War which ends the world.

It is past time this Mockingbird Fraud of what the Obama's were and are, are blamed for the Biden dictatorship and what they have deliberately done to the world with their London sycophants.

Nuff Said

Jun 17, 2018 ...  Laddy Obama (Remastered 2015) · The Beatles 1 ℗ .
