Wednesday, June 19, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog is interested in the Truth. It has reached it's limit again in this liar's dice world of the latest, Peyton Place Theater, where Pedo Joe Biden puts on his pope cap and tries in vain to rein in those naughty Jews time and again, trying to show Muslims that Kamala Harris married to a Jew and Anthony Blinken is circumcised like a Jew, all just want peace and love.

The fact is Bidencon wholesale supplied all the bombs and murder incoporated to Tel Aviv to carry out the mass slaughter in Gaza. Biden Inc. has been blowing the hell out of the Houthis for Tel Aviv. Bidencon is a con job as it always is, and the blood on this is because Bidencon has been supplying intelligence, American troops, American satellites and Americans weapons to carry out this mass murder which Bidencon says it just wants to stop.

Now the Netanyahu Theater presented more exasperating drama in scolding Pedo Joe to give the District of Crooks cover for the next mass murder in Lebanon aimed at Hezbollah in these proxy wars against the real target of Iran.

Netanyahu Demands White House Give Him The
Weapons To ‘Finish The Job’ In Gaza - GENOCIDE

Netanyahu Rips Biden - 'Inconceivable' US
Weapons Were Ever Halted

This is all unadulterated bullpussy. DC is behind all of these slaugthers  of Muslims. DC is behind all of this in weapons, intelligence and telling everyone that America is going to back the Jews with atomic bombs if anyone tries to intervene an stop this. Yes this is nuclear terrorism of nations with nuclear holocaust.

This is bullpussy in what has overthrown the United States is not blood libel, joined at the hip, with the 30 pieces of silver and the pound of flesh. Tel Aviv could not do jack shit if the Kaganites of DC were not orchestrating this mass murder like Himmler at the death camps. The only difference between Gaza and Auschwitz and what will happen in Lebanon to Treblinka is the cattle cars are not hauling people to the camps to die, but it is American plans  hauling death to the people locked in those ghettos of Gaza and Lebanon who are being exterminated.

This is all bullpussy and it is past time this bullshit is rejected  as Bidencon's bloody fingerprints are all over this Tel Aviv serial mass murder.

These are proxy wars against Iran which is against Russia. Same Goddaman proxy war against Libya in mass murder against Khadaffi against Russia, same proxy war against Syria and Assad against Russia, same proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. Same Goddamn criminal usurpers who are dragging us all to world war and the Mockingbird is allowing this bullpussy lying to make it look like DC has some kind of morality when all it is is amoral mass murderers.

Nuff Said
