Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sahara Dander Alert


Please donate to Save the Sahara, a Bill Gates NGO, which will mine
Negroid dander protein in the Sahara as a food supply alternative to insects
for young African children which will stop Dander Alerts for suffering Americans.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that NOAH has issued a new category of alerts in the NEGRO DANDER ALERT category in the seasonal dust storms of the Sahara are sweeping into the Gulf of Mexico and carrying with them the embryo primate Negroid dander or skin which is shed off in the human species regularly, and in most cases the vegetation absorbs this dander like fertilizer, but in the Sahara being all desert the Negroid dander accumulates to quantity parts per 50's and not millions, and this of course sets off allergic reactions in other species who are sensitive to the genus of Negroid Dander.

Pollen count, dander and allergy info for Chicago, IL |

Allergy Tracker gives pollen forecast, negroid dander, mold count, information and forecasts using weather conditions historical data and research from

Physicians are warning to have on hand the same COVID masks which were mandate to wear in the following Negroid Dander Alert period, and to especially not suffocate in this Ring of Fire heat created by HAARP weather modification.
If possible those sensitive should stay indoors, and change their air filters.

A key to protecting oneself if they are sensitive is to observe the sunsets. Bright flame red sunsets are dominated by dust and ash, while pastel colours signal that Negro Dander is prevailing in parts per 50's.

Of additional concern now that the Bird Bug is somehow affecting Dairy Cattle and Chickens, but not other cloven footed animals nor song birds, only the protein sources for humans, is that the Negro Dander Dust has a quantity of lion dander in it, which may affect those with cat allergies. This is a caveat in medical science can not differentiate between those affected by feline allergies and those affected by Negroid allergens. The best solution is to avoid lion petting zoos during this period and any location where large concentrations of actual Negroids are known to congregate. Fortunately for people in the United States, almost the entire Afroid population is not Negroid, such as the case of Barack Hussein Obama or Big Mike Obama, who both are in Barack's case is a Chinoid a bidroon and Big Mike being a Robinson is a quadroon. No known allergies are known to exist in the population of primates to Asians or Norwegians.

This Sahara dust storm will soon enough dissapate and we all can return to being terrified of contracting the Bird Bug, which does not affect birds, only protein supply which primates consume for brain function.

Thankfully the Negroid Dander Alert from Saharan Desert Dust will prepare all of us for a run through for future Negroid exposure and or the Bird Bug.

Nuff Said

