Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Quadrad

Space the final frontier........

There are four conditions determining the possibility for Russia's use of nuclear weapons, according to the Fundamentals of Nuclear Deterrence State Policy, which was published on June 2, 2020:
receipt of reliable information about the launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territories of the Russian Federation and/or its allies;
the enemy's use of nuclear weapons or other types of weapons of mass destruction on the territories of the Russian Federation and/or its allies;
the adversary is acting against critical Russian government or military installations, which could disrupt the response of Russian nuclear forces;
aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Due to District of Crooks, London Policy, Russia is responding to the proxy war in Ukraine with not coming out of it's den, but by upgrading it's  nuclear arsenal to the NATO threats of using Hiroshima Bombs on Russia.

The Kremlin is not stating what it is engaged in, other than repeating 2020 nuclear doctrine, stating Russia will not go first strike as it's ICBM's will destroy every aggressor and that Russia does not have a need to make nuclear weapons so small , due to the fact that chemical bombs can accomplish the same explosion much more affordably

The explanation in this follows.

Putin said Russia does not need a first strike, “because our return strike is guaranteed to destroy any attacker.”

Buzhinsky added that he doesn't see any merit in "miniaturizing" nuclear arms.

Russia is in the process of evolving Triad Defense to Quadrad Defense, meaning Russia is in the process of using nuclear weapons in near space, in order to knock out Star Wars and the use of American ICBM's which launch into that zone.

Russia has already launched a shadow satellite for Star Wars. Russia has missiles which will launch into space off their heavy bombers.The testing is complete in this protocol, just as when Mr. Putin warned Bush43 that if America put NATO bases on the Russian border that Russia would manufacture hypersonic weapons. This was a 2007 date. By 2022, 15 years later. Moscow had perfected these weapons off the prototypes and was using them in Ukraine.

Moscow already has the space weapons. Mr. Putin would not be speaking of the upgrade, which means mass manufacture of these weapons for a quadrad to neutralize American GPS navigation, Star Wars and launch windows in warfare, is about to begin. In short, Russia will view tactical or Hiroshima Bombs as a threat which they are, and Russia will neutralize in space their navigation systems to stop this weapon of mass destruction from being used in NATO order of battle.

New details emerge of Russia's potential nuclear space weapon

May 3, 2024 ... Russia's April 24 veto of a UN Security Council resolution to reaffirm the 1967 Outer Space Treaty's bar on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in ...

Russia is building a quadrad to equal the Reagan Star Wars quadrad, which has been turned into an offensive weapon against Russia. This is what Mr. Putin is addressing for the security of Russia and her survival.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
