Monday, June 24, 2024

The Scent of Armageddon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Russian Federation is now blaming equally the United States and the Nazi of Kiev for the murderous attack on Russian civilians beside a space tracking station in Crimea. It was American missiles, it was American drones, it was American logistics.

The Russians are now using interesting phrases as they hauled Dictator Biden's Ambassador to Russia, the Rainbow Warrior skirt, in "scent of Armageddon" and promising there will be retaliation on America for this terror attack.

The Russians are expanding their rhetoric, including the term of MONKEYS WITH HANDGRENADES for Americans. They are not differentiating now between the Yankee and Americans. The reality is Russia is evolved from a European War to a war directly inside the American 48 states with bombs falling on children and their mothers. Russia is moving to a point of giving Americans a choice, "Either rise up and hang your District of Crooks cabal and all associated with it, or die from Russian bombs in the consequences of what DC has been engaged in".

The last time the Russians summoned foreign ambassadors, it was the French and English, who tucked tail and ran for their lives as Russia informed them, that the next step was to blow up French and British assets.

The District of Crooks apparently thinks it's Star Wars makes it immune to answer for it's sins as a heated exchange took place. Russia is now processing how to attack the United States to send a message to the public in their own blood.

As Russians solidify in unifying with Putin, it remains to see if a Russian bleeding of Americans would generate the same 9 11 fiction which Bush43 wasted on cartel wars for profit. Of course the FOX propaganda will be Russia is heinous, there is a tide in America who is done with being hunted for Jan6 or jailed for Gaza protests.

Of course that is a major war which Russia is speaking of, which would pin down the pedo fags of NATO in Europe and focus on the crushing of technology to sending America back to horse and buggy.

The board is too big for a projection on what Russia would respond with. Logic in this falls back to a psychological retaliation where Russia would strike American bases in Germany, Italy, England and elsewhere to not just bleed Americans, but bleed the locals, as the locals are the mob which would be screaming at their pansy globalists to get thee Americans out.
There would be expected retaliation and this will escalate. The Pentagon pansy would opt most likely to sink a number of Russian ships which Russia would reply in kind, with the necessity of hitting US ports and bases to make the homeland gush blood for real.

As this blog has stated that Russia can afford to be patient for a few more months, the reality is that Russia has evolved to the point of now wanting Americans to bleed, to bring 5th column force on the District of Crooks.

The psychology would be, how safe would any corporate, police state or politician be, when Americans were dying and they were not, but the babies of Americans were. It is difficult to project global hegemony when the hedges of the elite are being decorated with the bodies of Americans crawling over the to get at the people causing this death.

No advocacy involved in this for violence, but this is a Russian mindset in what they have stated in their coming war process.

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024

I will not be sucked into any of this. My country died a long time ago. I do not expect any of you to get sucked into this either. As I informed TL this morning, "If the nukes go off here, I'm just going to say OH SHIT, and we are going to have to deal with it for the next month in not playing outside in radiation and going on from there."  That is worst case, ,but no worse than some bird bug out of a lab making his mask slave gulag again.

I could see Russia on a global scale, using hypersonics so smash HAARP which would make people cheer and  the obliterating of the NSA's tracking stations around the globe, including NASA.There are probably enough bodies around  those areas to bleed to send the message and this is tit for tat in America has hit 3 Russian radars now, so multiples in retaliation would be proper.

The have the long range Bearcat which could do the job.

We shall see if horse blood up to bridles is the scent of Armageddon which Russia threatened. That is in the Bible.

Nuff Said
