Monday, June 24, 2024

The Russian Play


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a short post but it concerns Russia and those who want a knee jerk reaction to the terror attacks coordinated out of the District of Crooks killing Russians.

Russia has to think of Star Wars, American hybrid weapons of mass destruction, damages to Russia in  an exchange, nuclear war, and a war prosecuted against Russia in Europe which will require Russia expanding it's front tens of thousands of miles which is immense.

Meet you on the other side.

US-Ukraine Hit Russia's Space Comms And Early Warning
Center – Moscow Officially Blames The US - When Will
Putin Finally Respond To These ‘WW3’ Attacks?

US Behind Deadly Strike On Sevastopol Beach In
Crimea - Russia...Attack Will Not Go Unanswered

US Air Force Directed ATACMS Missile Strike
On Russian Civilians - 4 Dead, 100s Wounded

Ritter On US-Ukraine Attacks On Sevastopol And
Dagestan - This Is Terrorism By The US On Russia

US Drone Appears To Have Provided Target
Coordinates For Uke Strike On Russian Civilians
At Beach - Russia Has Every Right To Shoot
Down Every Single US Drone In The Area

Why US And Ukraine Deliberately Chose Russia’s
Sevastopol For Terror Attack - Russia Does Nothing

The Kremlin has been astute. It is not being suckered to over extend. There is a point in this, a Prussian War point that one can deploy in a  defensive posture and win defensive victories which will cripple an enemy

Russia has nations flocking to BRICS. The Russia economy is strong and growing stronger. Russia is to powerful to attack head on. Russia is winning in Ukraine. Russia now has military alliances in the Mideast, Pacific and the West Indies.

Consider this, "What if the American economist Armstrong is right in he predict war in September for the world?" It would be unwise for Russia to start it now in making itself a target. It would be wise for Russia to wait for America to continue to over extend, for her allies to expend themselves, and wait for Russian proxies to damage and deplete America in the Mideast.

Russia is doing many things. It is setting up near space warfare as when war come, Russia means to obliterate the Western technology of mass destruction and win this war quickly without immense damage to Russia.

Everything done in this is to get the Russian wolf to flee from it's den, into the open, where it will be shot down. Russia is staying in it's den and adding to it's options and it's reprisals, and when they come those involved in this will pay in spades.

I will project that Dmitry Medvedev over vodka drinks muses about the mob in the West rising up in this, and hanging these installed leaders behind this all as a Russian revenge. Russia is moving to have the Western Peoples as an ally against the power structure driving this.

The Western 5th will require the police state being occupied which Russia and BRICS will have an operation for and once that opening occurs, then the 5th will join in this liberating extension and Russia is less of a target. That is why Jan6 and this other intimidation like Russiagate were staged out of London, as this was planned years ago by the cartel and they do not want the 5th being a part of this.

Just obey the laws, pay your taxes, do not make trouble for yourselves as Russia is at play, and stop telling the Kremlin what it needs to do as it is involved in many areas and it has moved correctly as nuclear war has not broken out.

I have other things to do.

Nuff Said
