Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A man saved from death by God


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you remember Hillary Clinton had massive court problems in New York, and suddenly they disappeared in 2015 AD in the year of our Lord after she agreed to the terms.............

Donald Trump apparently refused to come to terms with the powers that be, after having JD Vance appear at the Trump Mansion, flown down on a billionaire's jet. Trump except for the turning of a head should have been ended in Butler PA.

Trump then changes at the last minute who his VP choice will be. Suddenly like Hillary Clinton his court case disappears in Florida.

Do the dots start connecting for you yet in what was agreed to for Donald Trump to save himself and not America again?

If you are looking for political coverage, this Lame Cherry is not going to be led around in this farce. You have been informed as adults what is taking place, exactly as when you were told MAGA was finished in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord by Trump policies.

I have not inquired, but I have a very unsettled feeling now in what has taken place and it has to do with how this will all play out for each of you. It would be wise to shut your mouths, not be an idiot in posting on social media, texting or leaving trails of your stupid opinions, because you are going to be enticed out in thinking you are winning with a man who was saved from death by God.

....or was it as Jesus informed His disciples in the Tower that fell on people. The dead were not the worst evil sinners and the living were not something special from God, as the Tower fell on just unfortunate people.

Nuff Said
