Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Russia has Found America's Achilles Heel and Will Invade


My snipers thought the sloped roof was holding Mr. Crooks
hostage and we were in the process of negotiations with the roof,  when the sniper actually opened fire, surprising us, that it was not the sloped roof firing.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Vladimir Putin has ordered the dismantling of all weapons of war form nuclear missiles to tanks to ships after the Trump assassination attempt as Americans Achilles Heel was discovered in Butler Pennsylvania. Putin has moved to mass produce SLOPED ROOFS to drop them across America to take over the country as Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle informed the world that American law enforcement and military can not deal with sloped roofs.

"That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside," she said. 


The Secret Service has warned that even a flat roof may be sloped
due to the curvature of the earth!

The Russians have been spurred on with the facts that Pennsylvania law enforcement attempted to access the roof where the Sniper , Mr. Crooks was crawling around, afraid of the slope in he would fall off, and in turn the cops fell off the roof too. It was so traumatic that they never attempted the climb again.

The roof attacked my officer, knocking him off it and he ran for his life in fear.

America is in great peril as it has been reported that the Pentagon has ordered Boeing to come up with a defense against sloped roofs. The FBI has commissioned a study with Rand Corporation to ascertain how the sloped roof weakness of American defense and law enforcement might find a remedy.

We should have suspected there was a sloped roof deficit in America, as the White House has a flat roof, the Pentagon has a flat roof, so it is obvious the government knew it could only be protected if it had flat roofs.

The White House is safe thankfully.

Word out of Moscow has it that Mr. Putin is making sloped roof artillery shells, sloped roof hypersonic missiles and sloped roof bombers. When war comes, it will not be nuclear bombs, but the most dangerous device of all, a sloped roof.

DC is petrified, London is terrified, Paris is French Fried
over roofs with a slight angle.

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a pink alert to the public, stating, that they should not become hysterical if they encounter a sloped roof, but to walk away slowly as at this time, sloped roofs are not known to be mobile or armed.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The Lame Cherry calls upon Dictator Biden to award Director Cheatle with a Presidential medal for her service and bravery in identifying this threat to dignitaries and the entire country, of the extinction event danger of the sloping roof, and how Russia will exploit this to take over America with a greater than 10 degree roof.

Please Mr. President we must hurry, the sloped roof is still out there!

Nuff Said
