Friday, July 19, 2024

Assassin's keying off Trump's Words


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This video is posted on the Rense site. I would suggest that you download it before it disappears. 

To set this up, Donald Trump in this video is not seen, because he is at the lower right and he is pointing at the big sign which you will see.

You will also see a man drop from being shot. You will see a person dressed in what looks like a white hoodie, firing at this man from the hip OR he is reacting to the shot, along with another person in back of them, dressed in black.  You will see people flinching from the sound of the shot. You will see the man in front of the shooter  raise his arm in surprise as he is baffled what took place. You will see the man in back of the man who was hit, react a second time from another shot from behind.

For the Lame Cherry exclusive which no one else has spotted, meet you on the other side.

LISTEN very close to what Donald Trump is saying. You have heard this before in the video where he was shot, but it is significant meaning now. Donald Trump states, YOU WILL SEE.

We were told that Mr. Crooks started shooting at Donald Trump after being seen by the cop that fell off the roof. Mr. Crooks shot comes when Mr. Trump says, YOU WILL SEE. It is not a coincidence that this shooter behind Mr. Trump begins firing when that phrase is uttered by the former president. That phrase was the GO WORD to coordinate the shooting. That speech is not exactly released to the public. So YOU WILL SEE was given to this group of shooters. The Lame Cherry now states on the above video that others reported:

A shooter on a home roof.
Mr. Crooks
Someone was being chased in the stands.

This woman with a purse.
A cameraman.

We have absolute confirmation now that there were at least two shooters, that they had access to the speech which Donald Trump was going to give, and that it was coordinated before the event to begin firing at YOU WILL SEE.

The shooter in the video has absolutely no interest in Donald Trump. With this evidence, it now appears this was a coordinated attack of mass shooting, not at Donald Trump alone, but at other Americans.

There were metal detectors and searches of everyone to make this enclosed venue secure. If the person in the hoodie on a hot day is not shooting, then look at the first frame to the right where the derrick is in the black, you will see a puff of white smoke. It looks like the second shooter hits this metal derrick and the bullet continues on through the crowd reacting and drops that unfortunate man to the left of the giant graph.

Mr. Crooks was part of an operation which was coordinated off of Donald Trump's speech.

House Speaker Johnson - Classified Details Of Trump
Assassination Attempt More Alarming Than Public Info

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
