Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Butler Did It


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to provide some insights to the headlines below which are coming from local media in Pennsylvania.

Do you remember when Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinkley? Hinkley was a family friend of the Bush family. Made them look guilty because someone behind this wanted HW Bush fingered again, just like when the cops picked him up in Dallas, 1963 AD in the year of our Lord.

Yes Austin Private Wealth said it was a it was someone linking this to Black Rock to make them squirm, just like when Bush43 took office and in January all that OKC bombing stuff started being released again and then vanished when a deal was struck.

BlackRock-linked firm shorted Trump stock ahead of shooting

Austin Private Wealth tried to short-sell a massive amount of Trump Media ($DJT) stock before the assassination attempt

Interesting account of two shooters.

WATCH: Eyewitness Reports 2 Shooters in Trump Assassination Attempt

'They got the one on the tower, but the one on the right side they never got...'

We discover now that a local police sniper fired at least one shot of the myriad of shots which were recorded.

Update 9:08 p.m. Wednesday:

A local police sniper fired a shot at Crooks, Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger confirms. Goldinger said that it’s his understanding the shot that killed Crooks was fired by the Secret Service.

The local officer is now on administrative leave, which is standard protocol, the DA confirmed.

We learned that it was a Secret Service ladder left between the buildings at an air conditioning unit. It was not that rope thing pictured and it was not the ladder he purchased at Home Depot.

If you can understand a mix and match, it is evident now that the Secret Service was operating in a COMMAND AND CONTROL fire order. There was not a FREE FIRE ZONE, meaning the snipers could not take a shot without authorization.

Take this back a step in Director Cheadle is a Biden friend, not that intelligent by her slope roof comment, and is a political stooge. Yes there were two different scenarios in operation at Bulter PA.  One is taking Trump out. The other which was being told the too many witnesses, is that the Secret Service was NOT GOING TO ALLOW local cops or their snipers to create an incident or a mess up of the Crooks Project.

To project this, suppose the cop who fell off the roof that Crooks was on had done what was normal as cops can not spray enough bullets around, had started firing? There would have been a reaction by Secret Service inside the Trump zone to storm the stage and escort him off. That is as bad of image or Bidecon as the one which was presented as it wold have been all over the media, sympathy for Trump etc... The political officers of the Secret Service were not going to be allowed to generate good press for Trump or bad press or Biden.
You can know the ear wig conversation. The SS snipers had eyes on crooks. The confirmation had to be he was armed with a real weapon, not a toy. Imagine if this kid showed up with a toy gun and the Secret Service blew his brains out. 

Then there is this bizarre photo of what Mr. Crooks was carrying in a cell phone and what is called a triggering device. I got a used air conditioner and it has something like this.  I have one for an Eden Pure heater. Before you get led away on this, just think of your remote controls. These small electronics are close units. OK, in knowing that, would you want to be trying to detonate a bomb that would blow up a car in having to be that close? You would be injured, blown off your feet or dead.

Lastly, this one does not make sense in two cops were injured and transferred. No explanation on what the injuries were and when they took place.

Just two cops were injured DURING The shooting of Donald Trump, not in taking him to the hospital.

We simply are not being told anything in the information.

11 Investigates has learned exclusively that two Pittsburgh police motorcycle officers who were injured during the shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally over the weekend have been removed from the cycle unit.

That decision has sparked controversy and disagreement inside the department.

Sources told Chief Investigator Rick Earle that those cycle officers were asked to assist with the Former President’s motorcade to that rally in Butler County on Saturday.

According to Earle’s sources, the officers claim they notified the proper personnel with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police and received authorization to help, but according to the same sources, the bureau said they didn’t get permission.

We simply are not being told anything, I repeat that. The Fire Chief had brain matter in an instant kill shot. We are not getting any information on autopsy, medical files or who the survivors were, so we can compare bullet angles and entrance wounds.

Any other story like this, and these people would be paraded. The Coroner would be rambling on as he did at Sandy Hook. They would be telling their stories. The press would be demanding reports. Nothing on this one. There is an ignore order out there and people are being told to shut up.

Nuff Said
