Friday, July 5, 2024

Biden Burning Down the House and the World


So I got a cough, my breasts grew and I got a vagina from my geezer meds.

Biden — bolstered by a tweet from former President Obama ("Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know") — sounds like he wants to stick it out.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the above you can confirm that Obama Inc. has no intention of having Big Mike inherit this globalist klusterfuck created by Berliner Boy Obama before he left the room on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, because literally America is being brought down and no democrat or marxist wanting a political future wants to be anywhere near Joe Biden or his legacy. Biden has no other place to go, Trump has only one place to go and that is to inherit this klusterfuck.

It is not very comforting to know that Biden was born when Hitler was still winning wars and that his entire advice is coming from a group that is like 500 years together old.

  • The only way President Biden steps aside, despite his debate debacle, is if the same small group of lifelong loyalists who enabled his run suddenly — and shockingly — decides it's time for him to call it quits.

Why it matters: Dr. Jill Biden; his younger sister, Valerie Biden; and 85-year-old Ted Kaufman, the president's longtime friend and constant adviser — plus a small band of White House advisers — are the only Biden deciders.

Yeah I hope you did not miss the fact that Biden's chief advisor is someone so old that World War II had not even started.

The worst of this is that Biden admitted that Donald Trump flattened him or Joe Biden tripped over himself and Trump just stood there until the 10 count to be declare guilty of going to jail.

  • "When you get knocked down, you get back up," Biden said to applause, reading from a teleprompter during a rally Friday at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Everyone knows Biden should not be in the White House. The rats of the party are already moving to save themselves as they realize that these Goddamn liberal policies have destroyed America.......the GOP has not as they want more of this.

  • "Candidates for House, Senate, governor, state legislature are going to be in survival mode," the well-known Democrat added. "They're not going to go down with the ship. And the ship is in a bad place."

The Jews who are managing this Biden global holocaust from Jew York City, Tel Aviv and Kiev have the man that they want. What is the reality of this is that Biden and his Methusaleh entourage have nothing to say in this, nor do democrats. What is being staged is Joe Biden and his Pentagon profiteers are going to sacrifice 300,000 American vaxed woke troops in a Russian invasion in Ukraine. It is going to be a blitz of F 16's flown by NATO, HIMARS shot out of Romania, killer drones from Poland and Romania and a tank drive to capture 100,000 Russian prisoners to be held in a concentration camp in Crimea,  to blackmail Putin to surrender with courts demanding Russia pay reparations, be broken up and Putin in chains.

That is how this horrid old man via his Ashkenaz handlers sees his way to stealing another election as a great war hero on the blood of dead Americans in combat.

That is what is behind this bullshit and the sooner all of us get this understood, is the sooner that we can have empathy in the Obama plea for Big Mike not to get stuck with this shit show as if this goes south, which it will, Big Mike Obama is going to be having to be the penis surrendering to Russia.

Nuff Said
