Friday, July 5, 2024

Damned is the Peacemaker


“Prime Minister Orbán has not received any mandate from the EU Council to visit Moscow. The EU position on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is reflected in many European Council conclusions. That position excludes official contacts between the EU and President Putin. The Hungarian Prime Minister is thus not representing the EU in any form”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the unglued reaction of European President, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visit to the Russian Federation to actually use the P word in PEACE, instead of this endless verbiage of talking of war and nuclear war, in another era, one would have thought that Mr. Orban was a pariah, seeking to betray the world to satan, because that is how abnormal these puppets in the West are in their allegiance is to the bankers, the war profiteers and this entire police state which imprisons and murderers it's own Citizens to intimidate them in this orgy of sexual deviancy.

Hungarian leader Viktor Orban visits Moscow, angering E.U. allies

We have heard the reality, beyond the propaganda in this has nothing to do with Ukrainian security, in Lindsey Graham is bitching about Ukrainian mineral wealth and then there is Victoria Nuland in her Kaganite Russophobia, which wants Russia holocausted, balkanized and its wealth divided up to the privileged few in the bankers, the war profiteers and the police state.

The Lame Cherry will be blunt in this.We in America and the West have been lied to, to get us into two world wars for the bankers, the war profiteers and the police state. The target then was Germany, the jewel of civilization, but an empire which was contending with the failed Jewish finances, Norman empire of London. We were told this was for democracy and patriotism but it was about nothing but looting the world and our blood is what paid the price in a massive kill off of German, Colonials and English by the Norman of London, whose cousins ruled in Moscow and the Normans killed them off too.

None of this is about Rights, People or anything Civilized. This is about a feudal few who are in the process of ridding the world of nations who can defend themselves and replace it all with plantation ruled by these elite with super weapons that can zap us like bugs in drones and injecting bugs into our brains so we only think the thoughts of obedience. It is 1984 in a brave new world.

I think back to the last world war in studying it, and remember an American Patriot named Charles Lindbergh who like Viktor Orban stated we should have peace. Lindbergh was destroyed by Frank Roosevelt as peace would mean a world of Teddy Roosevelt healthy competition. Lindbergh assessed Germany correctly in the Nazi were extreme, but given time, they would mellow and there was not any need for a world war. The same was true with Japan acting like England in making Manchuria a colony. Japan only had so many resources, so many people and as we see the same reality today, great nations burn themselves out. America is burning out. In 20 years, China will burn out. For that matter, Russia has the same birth problems as all nations in this genocide, and it too will burn out. What the world will become is a Negroid Africa dark ages, meeting an Indonesian Islam largess, coupled with an Indian malaise. The 22nd century world is going to degrade to stagnation, until some peoples rise up again on each continent who have reached their primate roots of expansion and then aggressively become a master race again.

What I'm telling you, without a Jesus Christ, if BRICS wins or the Woke win, it is going to be the same dark ages as the feudal few have obliterated the essence of progression. They are in regression and once the few take over the many,  there will be stagnation as it is already rotten at the top.

Viktor Orban should be commended. Americans have had billions stolen from them, in which the People are in dire need of funds to pay their own bills. This is nothing but rapine by the unfittest as we are in a period now of degradation and it will become retrograde after this implosion is invested.

As this blog has pointed out, Nazi Germany was a political group of leftist socialist who believed in taking people's money, centralizing it into industry and using a forced labor class to even the debt process. This was evil we were told, and yet Frank Roosevelt and every puppet in the West since 1945 AD in the year of our Lord has established a global socialism where people's money is taking, centralized in banks and conglomerates, and it is all based on migrant forced labor. It is the same system. Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler won the war, because thee entire world is now under their system.

Billons have been looted, millions have died, and it it would have just been left as Lindbergh stated, it all would have mellowed and all that destruction was without reason. It is the same in what Viktor Orban is attempting to stop. The world is going to descend from it's American zenith to the utter depths, all without another world war or more war blaming Russia. It is not going to make any difference at all, except that populations will degrade naturally in dying, instead of this mass violent death causing harm to the world.

For the Lame Cherry, I'm so pleased on this epitaph of history that Viktor Orban made this futile gesture, because it means there are humans with human better angels, than this array of automatons,  endlessly screeching about nuclear war on loop. It was refreshing to know humans still exist and sound loudest in this din of death, by the still small voice, uttering peace.

God bless Viktor Orban, a peacemaker in a world plague of warmongers.

Nuff Said

We may still have time, we might still get by
Every time I think about it, I wanna cry

With bombs and the Devil and the kids keep coming
No way to breathe easy, no time to be young

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Heart is an American rock band formed in 1970 in Seattle, Washington by Steve Fossen (bass guitar), Roger Fisher (guitar), David Belzer (keyboards), and Jeff...
