Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Can Alexander Dugan Save the Christian World

Russian and American Hug

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It would be a mistake for an analysis of the KGB mindset which formed Vladimir Putin in world war, which Finland starved his family to death with the Nazis, to state that Mr. Putin is only counselled by two men, but it is of interest in the three men who are the chief counselors of this world leader.

Mr. Putin listens to these brilliant Russians.

Alexander Dugan

Sergey Lavrov

Sergei Karaganov

All of the above are brilliant. Lavrov is the product of an Armenia father and Russian mother, and his studies focused on physics, as he graduated to the greatest diplomat Russia has produced since the late Soviet era.

Karaganov is an economist and theorist. His first doctrine is to protect the Russian diaspora and recently has advocated the implementation of a small nuclear war to save the world from an ICBM war.
He is intimately close with both Vladimir Putin and Sergey Lavrov.

Last and certainly not least is Dugan, a Benjamin Franklin of Russia, in being self taught, a political activist and theorist. He was an anti communist dissident who not being pro Hitler was for national socialism as an alternative to the failed communist state. He is a occultist and father of the doctrine of Russia from Dublin to Moscow.

It was the recent publication of Mr. Dugan's analysis of the political west in stating that if Donald Trump does not win the next election, then the entire destruction of humanity will follow from the Obama globalists. Dugan was most astute in defining what Donald Trump is, what the Christian Right is in America and in a correct projection, America will devolve to it's George Washington roots of not being a superpower, but a nation among nations of influence, but not the lone dictatorship.

It is these three men who are at the front of the counsel which Vladimir Putin is receiving input on his decisions. Lavrov is a very astute and prudent adviser. He does flare like all Russians, including Mr. Putin when Russians are murdered by the United States.
Karaganov is the theorist in the Russian economic doctrine and the options of Russia to be a leader in using nuclear strikes to break the globalist cartel aimed to destroy Russia.
Dugan's  vision is that the cartel and BRICS can not occupy the same space or all will die in the conflict. He views this as a Christian perspective of America in these paleoconservatives, if they can prevail, will unplug these Ashkenaz Norman globalists who will like the Vatican whither if they do not have a military whore to ride.

The Lame Cherry assessment is that the Russian strategy should never defer from the Czar or Stalin in exposing military power in adventurism beyond it's supply limit. Russia should be patient in winning, continue the sound Putin Doctrine of the Russian Neighbor Policy where Russia is now planting nuclear missiles in the Pacific and West Indies, as a hedge and to always move to weaken the cartel forces arrayed against Mother Russia.
Russia should support and influence those western politicians who are seeking an understanding with Russia and not war. Russia should focus on attempting to have Western allies be a 5th column to fracture the globalist police state repressing them and making war on Russia.
Finally, Russia must be over the horizon insightful, where Lavrov speaks of the scent of Armageddon, Karaganov in using nuclear weapons, and Dugan in the end of civilization, to instead in a conventional, tactical or strategic are where in the West are the concentrations of the people who are not part of this police state or global war, and simply if it comes to nuclear war, to not poison those areas of the Christian Conservative block. There will be a world after this, a world which  Russia does emerge from her bunker cities, where in rebuilding the world, it will require those Lutheran Germans, French Huegonauts, American Christians and Japanese to re establish the foundation of manufacture, trade and a world of nations in peaceful competition for the advancement of humanity.

The last analysis is the Lame Cherry, as Russia can not exist in an echo chamber. Russian intellectuals must comprehend that there are ideas in the Christian West which are sound and can meld and build with the Russian Gothic protagonism for civilization.

No one should overlook the historical DNA. Russians are Goths in half their blood and Goths are of the Lost 10, just as Americans are, as French are, as the English are. The Germans as much as the Italians are of this same Semite origin. We all share the same Shem blood and posses the same logical, prudent Christian Spiritual DNA from God Himself.

I have worked for peace and the saving of Christian lives in all of this end times. If this Lame Cherry can save Orthodox lives by communicating realities, it will convey that Russia will save Christian lives in the West, because we have on Father in Heaven and God is not going to hinder the peacemakers who will inherit the earth.

Alexander Dugan is one of thee most remarkable men of this age. His child was murdered by Kiev terrorism aimed at him, and generated from DC, London and Paris. .Yet he speaks of the Christian West in not being  a part of this anti Christian pariahism, but as the hope for Russia an the world, because Russia can not accomplish this alone.

This is the voice which Vladimir Putin is hearing, along with other prudent voices in Russia. Everyone of them is speaking of achieving a peace. The first step is a settlement with Russia and if it is the Trump espousal of Russia keeping Russian lands, security for Russia, Zellinskyy to the tar baby exile and Ukraine like Cyprus not in NATO, then that is the start to end the hostilities against Russia and a respect from America for Russia. Stopping one huge nuclear war flashpoint is a huge accomplishment and working with Russia, in keeping America and Russia from thinking nuclear war is the outcome to limiit global destruction until Shiloh come.

Nuff Said



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