Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Mount Jewmore


Mount Jewmore
Moshe Washington, Hymie Jefferson, Bibi Roosevelt, Abba Lincoln

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With only the beginning of criminalizing everyone in the West who does not agree with holocaust and genocide by Tel Aviv, the Lame Cherry asks that all of us just stop this struggle and we all need to worship the Jew. Who is more fitting than the apples of God's Eye. Who is more successful in overthrowing the world. Let us all stop being Adolf Hitler Darwins, stop the struggle and admit the master race is the Ashkenaz and putting on our chains and bowing at the butt, let us accept our station in being lesser primates.

There must be changes in this, America must be called Jewmerica. Europe will be Jewropia. You get the idea. Mount Rushmore will be Mount Jewmore. There will only be the Jewsitution setting down how we all worship the Jew or die for not trying.

Here are some of our gods which as you can see are superior to all of us.

There is the god Mark Levin, who teaches us to exterminate Muslims.

There is the god Rob Reiner who is a Christophobe and demands the silence of the lambs of Christ.

There is the god Bibi Netanyahu who pretty much hates everyone from Christians to Muslims, to Whites to Blacks and is making them all dead.

Ours is not to question why in all of this. We just accept what our Jewish covert superiors have dictated and trust in the nature that God did not make enough lead for bullets for these people to kill every person on the planet, unlike them.

OK for a reality reality, Donald Trump worships Jews. Ivanka is his daughter after all. Sean Homo Hannity worships Jews. Speaker Mike Johnson worships Jews. All these important people worship Jews and is proof there is already a religion out there for all of us to join as it is waiting there for us.

I have been trying to pick up some doctrine pointers in this to help all of you crossover, but it is difficult because it kind of is two sets of rules, Jews are guilty of no law violations in they can steal, mass murder etc.... and they are not arrested, like other races are who have the laws to guide them, as Jews are superior in they alone can handle the responsibility of engaging in like rape and mass murder.

I did find though that Jews make whores of their females, so this is kind of a semen religion of the priestess Jewess takes a load of cum dump from their masters. It is kind of like after a day of kosher pork meals, in the men mass murder like 500,000 Muslims, they come home and cum inside of their whore who in doing this transfers the sin. It is kind of like a Scapegoat or in this religion a Scapecunt. The Egyptians did this all the time in their whore religion.

As you can see from the fat men in this religion of being worshiped that there must be allot of festivals and eating orgies. That is probably something about consuming the offerings of adoration that the goy have brought to these gods as our masters.

The Jews being worshiped seem to glow allot in being sweaty. I figure that either it is greasy pork they are eating or it has lots of peppers. Either way, you know your god is pleased as they all seem to have this glow about them and it is not coming from piles of dead holocaust cadavers.

I really do not understand the cartoo...........sorry Jewtoon above, but it may be some secret occult thing in the phat Jew consuming the orgy of kosher pork, has other Rabbi Jews, with big noses, who have those big noses like blood hounds to sniff out to make sure that kosher pork has been consumed, and once digestion begins, there is some Babylonian divination to predict the future in what the gurgles are saying. You have heard of Speaking in Tongues, well this must be Speaking in Tums and it must be a joyful event as these little miniature Jews look very pleased. Maybe these wonderful Jewish songs like White Christmas come from listening to a fat belly gurgle after ingesting kosher pork.

That seems to be the basis  for this worship of Jews which I'm sure we will get the hang of or be hung for offending these wonderful gods who have had to put up with us for thousands of years, when they were born superior and complete.

If I find anymore insights to help educate you in your worship of our gods the Jews, I will be sure to place it here, as this is a world shifting away from God and those archaic things, because no one could find God if they tried, and Jews are everywhere so how much better will this all be in we can all go to our Jew and get  what we deserve.

Let us all content ourselves in we will never be a Jew like Ivanka Kushner, but at least we can fulfill our role in worshiping them.

Nuff Sai
