Sunday, July 14, 2024

China Speak

You good Russian round eye, we kill GI Joegender together.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been a rather insane doctrine which has come out of London and DC concerning warfare. The basis of this is that people chosen to be attacked, fight the war that the banker have promised victory for.

In Iraq, it kind of worked out. In Vietnam, it did not work out........well it did as the wargamers before the war started stated there would be over 50,000 dead Americans, and that is what they achieved and then they withdrew the forces.

In the coming wars, the Pentagon in the Birther Hussein Obama Shift to Asia (Yes I had no idea the messiah was a military genius, but he said Iraq was the wrong war, but Afghanistan was the right war, but Biden lost that too), but Birther Obama already in 2012 was going to fight a war against his favorite communists in China.

The Pentagon decided that it would be an ocean war like with Japan. China started building aircraft carriers for this island war the US Marine were going to hide in.........and then an interesting thing took place. China began backing a Russian war in Ukraine and China placed it's troops into Belarussia to fight NATO.


2 days ago ... In an utterly stunning development in eastern Europe, China has sent troops from its People's Liberation Army (PLA) to Belarus, ...

For some reason China is not following London and DC instructions in how to lose an ocean war, but have moved to the Lame Cherry reality of China fights a land war against the West, because they will win there, as there are not enough bullets to kill 100 million Chinese troops.

So the evidence is now presented by Chinese actions, that China is going to fight the United States not in the Pacific, but going to fight NATO in Europe. They have a secure land bridge in Russia to march troops west. They have a Navy and missiles to hide behind on their shores in a water fight with America, where America is the exposed targets in Okinawa, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Guam and Hawaii. China is moving troops west with Russian backing, to engage in a war that Victoria Nuland started for Barack Obama in Ukraine, and use this platform to defeat or intimidate Europe into capitulation and then pick off American naval and base projections to wall America in behind the Pacific and Atlantic.

There are enough Chinese PLA in Canada and the United States to make the entire west coast from Alaska, British Columbia and California, a Chinese conflict zone.

China by it's actions is fighting a war to win it, not be divided up into parcels and have all it's gold looted.

It takes at least 4 years to build an American carrier and sort out the problems. China can obliterate the 13 groups in seconds. It is why China and Russia have gone into building missile destroyers and frigates as they have horrendous firepower and are easily replaced within a year.

There is a guiding hand in this in the war planners of the West who are setting this up for epic defeat, thinking they are going on to another victory. In the East, the war planners are being told what to position with and not fight the war in which they will lose.

Things do not look well for Bidencon stealing an election when the pile of dead bodies to gain that victory, are not going to be the scapegoats but the vaxed troops of the West.

We are GI Joegender

Nuff Said

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