Sunday, July 14, 2024

It was a Love at First Bank Account



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We all remember lezbo Hillary Clinton gettin' her snatch licked while Huma Abedin was getting Jewcock in the ole framework as he was shooting jizz at little girls, while stealing Hamrod's state secrets for Mosaad as she had some child birthed into this world.

Apparently Huma has a rather large birth canal and had to search out in this world the biggest prick she could find.......attached to a multi billion dollar portfolio and she found him in Alex Soros.

You know Alex, he was the psycho son of Nazi George Soros, who was a cartel asset of global economic rape in bringing down the United States for the boardroom.

Anyway,  I want to put this delicately. Alex apparently has never had a woman look at him, without laughing so much she peed her panties and puked up drinks. So when Huma Abedin, in whoever she works for, was sent out to get a hold of the Soros financial empire of rapine, she was a conversation like this:

"Oh, excuse me, I ...I.......was just enrapture by your manliness and that is why I stumbled, bumped into your and my blouse fell open, and well, my vagina is rubbing up against must think I'm so clumsy, but it was  just you were the kind of man my dreams were made of".

What followed was allot of "Alex you are so smart. Alex you are so funny.  Oh Alex is that you or your tate's funt fun fleysh."

Now as a popular girl and not trusting women any further than the length of a tampon string, what do you think is going to be the shelf life of the groom after the .........isn't it Jews who smash the glasses of wine or something?

I mean women pull this all the time for a baby daddy in some weird little fuck who has never had a woman look at him in his life,except the prostitute daddy paid for on graduation night. So Alex is an easy mark, and being that easy, a merry widow could really move up the table of operations, as look what a few billion did for Jeffry Epstein.

I just would not be surprised if someone is a tragic widow and somehow the prenup is lost as who would have ever dreamed that a Branded Krait from Vietnam, somehow shipped by accident to the Berlin zoo, escaped and slithered 3000 miles over the Alps in snow, to the villa in France, where it somehow got onto the gold breakfast tray of Muselix and grapefruit juice, caviar, baby veal liver and coffee, springing forth like a rocket and biting Alex on the penis.

Such a tragedy, for such a young, beautiful, slightly used widow.

One wonders if a future headline will, rumor true that Chelsea got her own billion dollar super pac to run for president. Where did that money come from.

Nuff Said.
