Thursday, July 4, 2024

Father Superior Mother Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL found this and  I looked it up as the Pedo Pope was talking about Artificial Intelligence and then some other Catholics created Father Justin who was AI, and was hearing confessions and baptizing people with Gatorade...........he was later defrocked.

The Lame Cherry offers to fill this void of hearing confessions, for a price like the Vatican does. I'm thinking my rate is ......10% tithe.......confessions........weddings..........baptisms........blessings...........let's say my confessional rate is 1% of your income for the year. That is kind of what the preacher gouged us with for marrying TL and I........then again his kids were starving so we were a bit more generous in good deed doing as starving kids are I think high on Jesus list as He created so many of them.

Anyway, I'm not going to hear any confession about felonies as I'm not dealing with the police. I'm not doing any counselling as that is like 10% of your income. The reason I put the actual figure here on your income as most of you are a bit shy about tithing in real numbers and base your income on Napoleon Dynamite at a dollar an hour.

Anyway, your confession brings no absolution, that means telling me you are sinner is not going to get your sins forgiven as by my office as a called and not ordained servant of the Lord. You just get to get things off your chest. I would go one better in you just write it out in code, except for CONFESSION and I won't even read it and no one is going to know what kind of sinner you are. The point is you are just unburdening yourself of sins you think matter and it is not like you are going to change your way, no more than any Catholic ever did.

The Catholic kids I knew were all heathens. They went to mass on Saturday night so they could party and whore around all night, did that confession, so they thought they had a clean slate and were ready to whore and things again for the weekend.

One girl I was told, had her top off in a car with a Methodist preacher's son. She was Catholic so it was all kosher. It was all ok as the fornicators later got married and swindled two communities out of education funds before they moved on to their bonus round. That is the way it works with Catholics mixing in with Methodists going to hell.

Anyway, I can be your Father Superior Mother Cherry for confessions. No Gatorade baptisms and no refunds. We will skip the Hail Mary chants  and things, and once you donate, Father Superior Mother Cherry tells you to say, "Jesus do whatever is required to have me change. Amen".

That will end our deal.

In review, you type your confession out in code. Title it confession and it is ok if the message box cuts it off. You donate the 1%, and then you say "Jesus do whatever is required to have me change. Amen".

I think you can handle that 

I'm just a working girl and filling in for the harshness of the Vatican swindling you, until the anti Christ comes and the whore of Babylon gets knocked off her beast.

The above photo is what Father Superior Mother Cherry looks like according to AI.

Nuff Said
