Thursday, July 4, 2024

Joe Biden Should Be Cemented Into the White House


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Dump is wunderbah to listen to, but he has zero sense when it comes to position, leverage and the art of the order of battle. Below you will find a WWE "hidden camera leak" which has Mr. Trump being at his best in rattling off golf course rhetoric, as it is true, but it nullifies everything of strategy. In this Deserter Don say Biden is getting out. (No he is not getting out, as I have told you and as David Axelrod confirmed, when a guy is in the Oval O, you just can't make him leave).

What is taking place now is a Bill Burns CIA coup against Biden, not to make him leave, but to protect the Meisterkrieg's interests as that is who the CIA is managed by. The CIA wants a war, but not the war which Bidencon is Kaganite generating as it will scorch Europe and cause problems in keeping thee American ace in the hole, if it is necessary to deploy America to protect the 5th Reich.

I will have more on this in the next week, but the last thing NeoDon would want is Biden out of the race, which would unleash the wild card of Kamala (woman and nig vote) and the excitement of who she would have picked for her as VP.
Harris is a cagey whore of babel in she plays for the Muslims........big hurt for Don Dump in Minnesota and Michigan which he has to win. The point is, when you have the CIA and their media geared up to crucify the Dictator for you, you do not want Biden out, but Biden in to keep making the same geezer gaffs he does. 80% of the voters do not want him. You do not want 50% of that coming back into play for Kamala in vagina votes and Negroid votes. You keep the 3rd place last Biden in the race, sound like you are not Trump Nuts, assure the middle and left that you will be a good daddy to them, and walk into the White House again.

To reference this, Biden's Kaganite agenda is to expose the Russian southern flank by Tel Aviv holocaust in the Mideast. Then shift this to an American surge in Ukraine in late September. The CIA in Bill Burns has been in constant contact with the Kremlin, and telling Moscow that America is not pull this Kiev terrorism so do not bomb America. That has worn thin on Moscow, but the CIA has been offered one last opportunity to perform this coup on Biden, to force Biden to stop this September invasion, with the promise that DIA Trump will give Russia it's territories, so Russia will not nuke Europe and graduate to America as this escalates.

This is what Moscow is now watching. They realize fully these Kaganites are behind this and why for the Biden part II. As long as the CIA keeps chipping away at Biden, and as long as the real polling shows that Biden can not mail fraud steal this, Russia will only continue preparations for their complete war against the West. Biden goes up in polls or something happens to Trump and Russia will engage on it's terms.

We all know that Dictator Biden is a brain damaged, Parkinson brain disease half wit. He is though coherent enough for part of the working day. I have not inquired if the CIA did the Hillary Clinton treatment to Biden to neutralize the goosing of his system with uppers. It is not that hard to expose an old man to a flu bug in Fauci germ strains to show Biden for the old man he is. My guess is that whatever was done to Biden, was deliberate and from this CIA branch and their minders in the White House were party to it.
Biden did tell his Lady MacJill that he could not figure out why he was not on his game. He knew something was not right. The Lame Cherry is not stating this for sympathy for Biden as that kind of went out the window in the pedo sniffing kids and starting a world war to keep in the White House while we all die. I'm making these points for the reality that Joe Biden is an old man. There is no remedy or cure for being an old man. He is getting older each moment. His best days were 20 years ago. What the world saw in the debate is who Joe Biden is for the 18 hours a day when he is groggy and not sleeping.

So Donald Trump is right in his assessment in Vladimir Putin is shrewd. Xi is a cut throat. Biden is a relic and Kamala Harris is not ever going to be a leader who is going to arise to the position of what it takes to be a president, no more than Obama could in his perpetual vacations and White House parties. In that, you want the incompetent Biden election group. You want the Kaganites scaring the shit out of Americans with nuclear war every day. You want Kamala as VP making people cringe. You want the democrats at war with each other in their racism the greed and their self preservation from prosecution and graft. That make the DIA's assignment easier to get Donald Dump back into the White House, because the focus is on Brain Dead Biden, and as Bobby Kennedy saved himself by becoming Brain Worm Bobby, all Trump has to do is not look like the guy who has a cock that stinks of porn star slime and is using the money for the kids, to pay off porn hush money.

Trump would help himself if he would phrase things like "Our friends the Germans" "Our peaceful acquaintances  the Russians" "Our contending associates the Chinese", to ramp this down off the hysteria pitch of nuclear war every moment.

Russia fully comprehends it needs America as a front to keep the Chinese at bay. China does not want war as war would place Russia in a stronger position in Eurasia.

Donald Trump needs to sharpen his game as his minders are just getting the paycheck. I'm not into politics anymore, but I know this front, and if Donald Trump had any people around him worth shit, he would have an ace about to play, in a melding of Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan.

Johnson used a nuclear flower bomb to destroy Barry Goldwater. Ronald Reagan destroyed Walter Mondale with a simple, "It is morning again in America". Trump needs a political add which reminds people America was recovering to greatness again and remind people that we are now in a nuclear shadow by Joe Biden. Use the Reagan and Johnson political ads in part spliced in and end it with Donald Trump professing, "I will keep you safe and restore our dreams to you"

That is more than Katie Walsh spread her legs for in real campaign advice. Gee but I never got paid the first time for writing the Trump time line.

Nuff Said
