Saturday, July 6, 2024

Forever Mammy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While all the CIA Mockingbird is unleashing for the coup on Dictator Biden, the odd gender out is Vice President Kamala Harris, save for the refrain, "We do not want her".

This Obama biotch has been relegated to the status of FOREVER MAMMY. She was good enough for Al Sharpton to have a Negress in the White House suckling for the kickbacks, but what Al Sharpton never NAACP comprehended, that in the long game, Obama Inc.chose Harris because she was a lightweight who would be brushed aside for Big  Mike. In that Obama Inc., has miscalculated as this Obama biotch is now a greater negative for the Obamas than a positive.

This Quadroon from India, is Nigger enough, that if Big Mike stumbled into the ticket, pushed by other contender democrats who want the Obama's gone for 2028 AD in the year of our Lord, that two darkies do not make the transition to a winning ticket, even in stolen elections. The Afroid Obama's never wanted to share the dark light with other blacks, and that is why they never appointed any blacks, other than hatchetman Eric Holder to wipe out White contenders like Blagojevich and Cuomo. Kamala Harris is in the way of Big Mike and a Nigger on Nigger lynching might work in gangsta Snoop Dog ghetto, but Nigger fights would be shocking and alarming to the liberal white voters, as they would believe the Niggers would be rising up and burning down their penthouse apartments.

What the Lame Cherry engages in, is projections, and I do not believe that Dictator Biden is going to withdraw. BUT, I do believe the DNC might stage a coup and this is where Kamala Harris comes into play. She is not ever going to be accepted as top of the ticket, but she does have one caveat, and that is all that Hollywood donor money will be lost if she is not kept on the ticket. Biden would in his lucre lust love to keep that pile of cash for his exile, but the donors are going to want something for the whore they paid for.

So I believe the logic is, that Kamala Harris will be kept on as the Vice President, a complete and utter "Niggers are not winners" stance by the DNC, but all that donor money then comes back into the campaign.........which is important to the media and other political money drop points as Obama proved in bribing and kickbacks to the elite in the party who profit off of this staged event.

I do not believe any of the people mentioned really to replace Biden really want to be put on a losing ticket. Newsome of California will want to steal the election in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord, so do not Richard Nixon lose it now. Yes some governors would like the opportunity to hit the stage as they would figure they would be the top contender in 28, but for most, they could sell their souls for some million dollar hedgefund jobs as governors without the blackmail tapes of them sexing children.

I think in this with the DIA installing Trump that Govenor Whitmer of Michigan is the choice of the DNC. She has been sniffing around the District of Crooks in the prelude to this, so that means that Big Mike Obama has sanctioned this lamb for political defeat. Whitmer in going down quietly, will then get our of Michigan which she destroyed and have a nice hedge retirement.

The DNC would look at Whitmer as a chance as she would put Trump's Michigan back into play.

The essence of this though is that Kamala Harris will be forever mammy. No one wants her, but that Hollywood whore money will have her ordered to stay on the  ticket, no matter how humiliating that will be.

Harris stays on the ticket with Biden not budging, which I project even with this coup is the most likely time line I really do not care about any of this, as this is just moving the pieces around and I'm waiting for the big events and Christ's return as my America is gone. I believe that Biden will after this debate exposure will be even more committed to a war in the Mideast to soften up Russia, and will invade Russian Donbass in late September, where like Obama at Sandy Hook, believes piles of dead bodies will keep him in power, as Biden seeks to defeat Vladimir Putin. Just so you get this as this is a Lame Cherry catch phrase no one has yet figured out, "The Biden Campaign strategy is to defeat Vladimir Putin in combat, to beat Donald Trump in November".

You can quote me on that one.

Kamala Harris is a gender who was chosen, because she was weak and would be easily discarded by the Obamas, Clintons and Pelosis. In what has devolved though, she is become this huge impediment to all politics. They have to keep her on the ticket for the campaign money, and they can not replace her as this will destabilize a Biden ticket where voters are wanting Biden replaced. An underticket does not win a presidential race. No one is voting for Biden for Newsome or Big Mike on the underticket as Newsome is a disaster in California and Big Mike is just repulsive. No matter which way the democrats would move, it makes it worse. Hence Pedo Joe and the Obama Ho remain as the best way to clean the slate and the contenders can then move for 2028 against el presidente Rubio of the John the hero McCain cabal.

That is what the data projects.

Nuff Said

Short'nin' Bread (1939) - YouTube

Nov 19, 2020 ... ... Mammy's li'l baby loves short'nin' bread 2. Three li'l babies lyin ... Short'nin' Bread (1939). 10K views · 3 years ago ...more. Sheet Music ...
