Saturday, July 6, 2024

President for Life - Boe Jiden

I have cancelled thee elections, started world war four,
and this year I'm going as Darth Vader for Halloween.

Boe Jiden

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the foreigner who started this in destroying America, and the world,
I would like to say that Lincoln had elections during the Civil War, 
Wilson and Roosevelt had elections in world war, so I'm all for 
a stolen election where my husband Big Mike is in the White House.

Orack Bobama

My penis has White House envy.

Big Mike Obama

My masters in Tel Aviv have not yet told me what to think about this.

Jike Mohnson

The warden does not let me speak to the public on issues and
I'm just trying to not run out of Vaseline.

Inmate 4376005

My brain worm takes it as a win, as I at least did not lose the election
or my life.

Kobbby Rennedy

To outlast Boe Jiden, I will need another 50,647 gallons of 
Adenochrome life extending baby blood....glad the invaders brought their babies.

Hamrod Clinton.

Hillary is going to be home for another 4 years?????

Cill Binton

50 years of misery I have waited for this in my cry for Argentina moment.

Bill Jiden

Does this mean I can go back to snorting bags of blow, molesting children
taking millions in Kiev and Peking bribes, buying guns or not?

Bunter Hiden

None of these goy things matter when you are Jewish.

Kivana Irump
