Sunday, July 21, 2024

JD Vance washed Jesus Diaper's too..............


And we're living here in Allentown
But the restlessness was handed down
And it's getting very hard to stay

[Verse 3]
Well, we're waiting here in Allentown
For the Pennsylvania we never found
For the promises our teachers gave

If we worked hard, if we behaved

[Verse 4]
So the graduations hang on the wall
But they never really helped us at all
No they never taught us what was real

Iron and coke, chromium steel
And we're waiting here in Allentown

But they've taken all the coal from the ground
And the union people crawled away

Every child had a pretty good shot
To get at least as far as their old man got
But something happened
On the way to that place
They threw an American flag in our face

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For  those who want to be made fools of in this Trump jr. pick for Vice President, just keep deluding yourselves as in reading of all the things that we do not know about this hedge fund nation rapist, the number nine on the list is JD Vance experienced the decline of the Rust Belt.

I'm going to rip this bullshit to shreds in a bit, but will begin this in the above lyrics written by the rocker Billy Joel, who dedicated the song Allentown to the hardships people in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Kentucky were facing in 1982. That year is important as JD Vance was not born until 1984. It is a little hard to experience an event unless you are senile lying Joe Biden.

Meet you on the other side.

9. He Experienced the Decline of the Rust Belt

In both his memoir and the movie adaptation, Mr. Vance explains his experience of the decline of the Rust Belt, and the impacts it had on those living there.

Speaking about his native Middletown, Mr. Vance wrote in Hillbilly Elegy, “There is a lack of agency here— a feeling that you have little control over your life and a willingness to blame everyone but yourself.”

He’s made clear that this experience has continued to shape his political life and decisions.

The decline of the Rust Belt began in the 1970's under President Jimmy Carter. The Richard Nixon economic link, after Lyndon Johnson spent America into debt with the Vietnam War and War on Poverty in government handouts, forced a devaluation of the Dollar, pegging it to oil, where other nations were paying for US spending.

The iron, coke and coal states had expanded in the Frank Roosevelt global war, had no competition after the war, expanded with the baby boom, and the Unions garnered very good wages for these Americans who were earning a fortune. Children had futures They would work like their Grandfather and Fathers did, whether it was Ford of US Steel. The low rung were the hard coal miners who really were part of thee American slave syndicate.

By 1970, the world was changing. MADE IN JAPAN was no longer a joke. What followed was an expanding CIA industrial steel operation in South Korea as Americans were lied to in' "Industry in case of nuclear war had to be spread worldwide". All it was, was cheap foreign labor and Americans were cut out of the wage rise, as our wages were blunted, to the end result of the Bush years, when Bill Clinton followed with wiping out the Unions, as that huge sucking sound was Americans being paid the same shit wages as Chinese.

So even at age 6, the self aware in dirty undies, JD Vance must have been quite a protege in experiencing in 1990 the decline of the Rust Belt which took place a decade before.

For those who need education on this history, it was Democrats running for President who started spouting off about "We are going to return the factory jobs to Ohio in 1988". The people in these states were aghast, as unless you have seen Pittsburgh and these other cities, the people there breathed soot and ash 24/7.  Everything was a ghastly end of the world smog. By 1988 in Mike Dukakis running for President, the people in Ohio were screaming, "We can finally see a blue sky, we do not want those factories back!"

There was an economic recovery and expansion to the Rust Belt, begun under Ronald Reagan. So JD Vance writing in his fiction of hardship as the Hillbilly Nazi, he was in some Kentucky shit hole what was already a back valley shit hole, and it was made worse when pap ran off after knocking up the dope head mother, her fucking around in two more husbands and dumping the kid on Grandparents. That is not the reality of the Rust Belt Decline. That is the reality of a low brow holler rat lying about something he was not around to experience and blaming it, instead of a hose bag mother.

What JD Vance engaged in, is an insult to every person in these states who had their worlds ripped out from under them, due to the same fucking globalism rapine that hedgefund boy Vance helped loot America of wealth for.

JD Vance is the extension of the economic pariah which destroyed American industry as Americans were told to be in the "service sector" waiting on tables, while the nation rapists looted America and Vance's Trump policies are going to finish all of us off, as they only cater to the super rich, just like Dictator Biden caters only to the super warmonger rich.

The shit this Hillbilly prop gets away with is just ridiculous. The people in these states know what a fraud this political bastard is and shun him. He was bought, groomed and paid for by homo hedger Peter Thiel

All of what is offered before us is worth a damn. Just do not be another Goddamn fool in buying this prop's story as it is pure horseshit and it is designed for the GENS who would believe that JD Vance was there to diaper Jesus too and as a Vatican boy he has a special prayer to turn lead into gold, not just water into wine.

Someone needs to start compiling a list on the lies JD Vance is telling.

Nuff Said


Billy Joel - Allentown (Official Video) - YouTube

Oct 3, 2009 ... In 1982, Billy Joel released an album titled The Nylon Curtain, which became a Billboard Top 10 album and was one of the first to be ...
