Monday, July 22, 2024

Second Sight - Second Shooter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that we have all left the dead of Butler PA behind.....well if you look it up, it is Meridian, PA, there is time now to revisit this with two accounts stating a second shooter was present..........sort of like the one Secret Service Agent pointing in the opposite direction of Mr. Crooks.

This above would confirm what appears to be a Secret Service Agent pointing in the opposite direction of Mr. Crooks.

The account above is hear say, but Mr. Crooks was on a tin building, not a house. So was there a house which lines up for a second shooter from a roof top location?

The Lame Cherry did some investigating and shit hole Pennsylvania is like the Appalachians called mountains, as they list roads as what go for bike paths elsewhere. Also you find Butler in some maps is listed as Meridian.

I start this off with the original illustration I created, showing the Crooks location in the building complex at top and the Trump venue in blue at the bottom with the 3 Secret Service sniper roof tops in back of the Trump location, so you can orient yourself.

The next illustration is expanded to include the opposite direction from Crooks. The lime green lines indicate the possible area of a second shooter, as the information was a house top roof.

In doing the Google location thing, I'm comfortable with the location in knowing my way around. In the map below again Trump and the SS snipers are on top. The center is the "lake" and you are looking at the concession road. The oval to the right is a livestock arena for horse competition.

In examining the houses in this trajectory area, there is only one which has an unobstructed view in not shielded by trees or other buildings. I'm not going to put a photo of the house up, but in the following photo, I can show you exactly the view a second sniper would have had from this location.

What you are looking at, and please compare photos, is that little red shack. You can see it at midpoint in the red line to the Trump location. The long  red building is the first of the 3 buildings which the SS sniper were on, looking toward the Crooks location.

If you look closely at the end of the building in the trees is the water tower which was visible in the Crooks photos.

So it is interesting that a Pennsylvanian who had friends at the Trump event, had exact information where Trump was taken, where the injured were taken, that the shooter was dead, and most importantly that a second shooter was on a house top in the opposite direction which the Secret Service Agent appears to be pointing.

The caveat in this in my trajectories are not to scale precise, in I may not have the angles of the bleachers correct in relation to the podium Donald Trump was at. Even with that though, the trajectories do indicate that the retired Fire Chief who was murdered, may have been shot by the second shooter by accident. The Fire Chief was aligned in the worst possible crossfire of both locations as both trajectories seem to cross over his family's location.

As I was writing this, I was still reviewing pictures and I will include a final one, as the location which would match the tweet. The reason is, this is not a residential home, but a lodge. I'm not stating this is the second shooter platform, but it is the one which fits on the above data and the Secret Service pointing, at least the best I can do in not being there with Google maps.

The accounts of Pennsylvanians at the shooting scene are probable, because a location  does exist.

This venue should never have been agreed to as there are numerous roofs. trees up the ass to hide in, and a viewing stand with cover to the right of this lodge.

What is certain is that Donald Trump stated before the shooting that he knew who he was going to choose to be Vice President. Then before the event, a billionaire jetted JD Vance to Florida to meet with Trump. The shooting took place in which Donald Trump if he had not moved his head, would not be alive at this time, and after this it was reported that Donald Trump was doing last minute comparisons in which Vance emerged.

Scuttle has it that North Dakota Doug Bergum was the Karl Rove choice. Tim Scott is a faggot who called off his wedding when he was not chosen. Marco Rubio was the DIA choice and the remaining candidate in JD Vance was licking on Trump jr's account, pretending to be a buddy, and is the other choice of the Bush am international homo hedge fund rapists.

I can only projection on public accounts. I know Trump made a choice, got shot at, and changed his mind from Rubio, Scott and Bergum, meaning Rubio, to a Hillbilly Nazi who by all comments is overwhelmingly rejected by voters. 

Vance is a nothing. He is a drag on the ticket in Appalachians detest this MAGA Tea Party hater. He was introduced by the LG sex deviants and has erased the good will Trump was experiencing after Butler.

We know that Mr. Crooks was emotional. Was highly intelligent, won a Black Rock award, and was a horrid marksman in school who could not hit targets 20 feet away.

The locals in Pennsylvania are telling a different story than what you are being told. They witnessed no security. They also have specific information of a second shooter on a house in the opposite direction of Mr. Crooks.

Lastly, there is the New York Times photo which states this is a capture of the flight of the bullet going by Mr. Trump. I dismissed this as propaganda, but in reviewing this photo, and I enhanced the ends of the trajectory, something striking comes out. 

From the Crooks elevated position and Mr. Trump on platform, the Crooks trajectory would be more of an angle.

The trajectory is in the 1 degree angle. This angle though would fit the lower roof of the lodge in the opposite direction in the slight elevation in the Trump position.

Like JFK, RFK, Ronald Reagan, we are never going to know the facts. All we are going to know are the results in Donald Trump had picked Marco Rubio of the DIA and after this he picked JD Vance.

It appears there were two Thomas Crooks.

This article was completed on July 16th and archived until now. Al Jazeera orignally posted on the shooting day that two snipers were reported. As you can see by the links below the tourists were appearing on the 17th, July with accusations and not substantial investigation as in the above Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

World’s Top Sniper Sounds The Alarm - 'There Were
TWO Assassins At The Trump Rally'

A Second Trump Shooter? New Acoustic Evidence

Jeff Rense keeps phrasing that the New York Times photo, "you can see the bullet move from left to right".  Why not right to left?

It is not the trace, it is the TRAJECTORY which is the evidence in the photo.

Trump Turning His Head To The Right Allowed
Crook’s Perfect First Shot To Pass By His Head
You Can See The Bullet ’Trace’ Moving Left To Right

Nuff Said.

