Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Magik Bullets Magik Shooters Magik Clown Show


The bleacher shots to Trump's left were almost 10 feet over his head
and missed by 40 feet.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who paid attention from Al Jazeera stating there were two shooter in the Trump attack in Pennsylvania to the  New York Post naming a Chinese shooter, there was a remarkable glitch in the response structure in the "quiet" of the legacy media, as they have obituaries written for everyone notable in every situation and they were deathly silent this time.

What did emerge in the Mockingbird media though immediately was a strange spin, not from the FBI or Secret Service, but from the intelligence glow worms in the media who began with, "Not so fast, Trump may have been cut by broken glass which the bullet broke".

Now now would any media know that as the pool media reports were retarded and uninformed. That propaganda was spin for the Biden campaign and it was coming directly out of the CIA.

There was also immediate questioning from the same CIA Mockingbird "if this was an assassination attempt", as all was unleashed in damage control, so Trump would not get a spike from this.

This has continued on in FBI Director Wray appearing before Congress, propping up that CIA line in he did not know if Trump was shot from a bullet or shrapnel. The Lame Cherry will answer this in this article, but something else manifested in this cover story which should not have been released, in THE FBI HAS BULLET FRAGMENTS.

As one can see by the post rally photo, making Trump look defeated in the banner, the teleprompters have not been hit. So there were no glass fragments from them and Secret Service had not placed bullet proof shields up for the former President.

Meet you on the other side.

Jackson ripped Wray in a statement on X. “What little credibility he may have left is gone after recklessly suggesting Trump might not have been hit from a bullet. It was a bullet — I’ve seen the wound. Pathetic!!!” he wrote in the post, with the last two sentences in all-capital letters.

The problem with the Mockingbird media is like the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassinatinon, in the more they try to form a narrative , the more evidence they provide which shoots holes in their narrrative.

In the above photo from the Seattle Times, you see the Trump banner meaning he is defeated, but they show the teleprompter intact. They also show something abolutely damning which has not before been shown to the public, in look at the height of the metal bleachers.

We know from the Second Shooter video which I will place below again, that a bullet moved horizontally along the top rail and struck several people. You can see by that line that the shooter had absolutely no intent at shooting at Donald Trump from the opposite angle, but was attempting to murder Trump supporter to either provide blackmail against the FBI in the false narrative or to suppress Trump supporters from attending rallies.

The more we are told the false narrative, the more they keep spilling information which blows that narrative to bits.

What we have to examine is what Donald Trump stated as that is the base of fact on being shot. He did not have time to think up some story.

We need to look at the people in the stands who heard nothing of shots around Trump. We look at the other people who turned to look at a derrick in front of Trump, and a person in the left bleachers who flinches by instinct at the sound of a second shot passing through that group.

Below you will read from Huffington Post, stupidly keeping this up, in Donald Trump says he heard a WHIZZING SOUND and then a bullet pierced his ear.

I you watch the Trump video, you see him turn and pointing at the display. You can see he reacts to a sound and almost instantly he waves at his ear like a bee has stung him, and in the next second figures out he is being shot at, and starts to duck.

I realize that most of you have not been shot at. All you have are movies. I have been shot at. I have been hit on two occasions. A bullet is moving at faster thans sound speeds. It sounds different when shot at  a distance than passing by you. A bullet has an electric crack when it passes by, as it is sharp in breaking the speed of sound.

There are versions of this when hit, that people never hear a bang or crack, and that is due to other structures not available for sound to bounce off of as the bullet passes.

There is a ricochet which you have heard in movies. That is likely a solid lead bullet in perfect enhanced sound. The ricochet's I have heard are eerie as they are a droning "WHONG" type sound and they are in longer duration than you care to think of, as you realzie that is a bullet going somewhere it is not supposed to.

OK so let us examine what Mr. Trump reported.

The second shooter video to the left of Donald Trump which indicates these maybe shooters 3, 4 and 5.

The Bleacher Shots

He first notes a whizzing sound. The Lame Cherry assessment is this is the first bullet and it has been deflected. It could have been "wap" or natural bullet out of alignment so instead of moving through the air smoothly, there was friction. It may have struck something like the metal bleachers or a human.

The next thing is Mr. Trump is struck in the ear.  Again bullets can have wap in flight as that is what a 223 was designed to do in detabilize to tear more flesh, against the Geneva Convention Rules.

I have maintained that I beleive the New York Post  report of a Chinese shooter was correct. He was behind Thomas Crooks position at angle as there are venues there, and this is the bullet which struck Mr. Trump.

The Lame Cherry desires for you to understand something. To be a sniper or trained shooter, Carlos Hathcock of the Marines, laid out his protocols. He checked the wind for bullet drift. Looked for the heat signature over the target in the rise of the bullet. He would inhale, then exhale half a breath, and then settle in for a shot.

What took place in Butler appears to be a number of shooters, who had access to Trump's speech and were to open up on a key phrase. There is not a human alive who does not tense up if told they had to coordinate shots. Look at the botched job the professionals did at Dealy Plaza. There is not any Hathcock settling in for your shot. There is instead tension, and listening for the cue, as sound does indeed take time to reach shooters 50 years and 250 yards away.

So a Chinaman, if he was the designated shooter, missed Donald Trump because he was moving, and was not able to adust to that movement.

In hunting, I have had this happen and in my case, instead of missing, I ........let me explain. I was duck huntinng and jumped some ducks, and the mallard drake was flying straight away. An easy shot as mallards have a dark strip and two light strips flying away for a target. I never shoot hens.

I was aware that two other ducks were off to my right, and as I squeezed the trigger in taking my time on the drake, that instant the hen literally dove in the line of fire and I killed both.

Once you start that trigger pull, if something moves you can not adjust.

This is what took place with Donald Trump by his own words.

Former President Donald Trump, in his first public statement since being shot during a campaign rally in rural Pennsylvania, said he could hear "a whizzing sound" before he felt a bullet hit his right ear. "I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear," Trump posted on his social media

What is a problem is Director Wray, the CIA Mockingbird releasing and  adhering to a story of shrapnel as if they are certain of this in something they formulated or reason, and it appears to be centered on the the bullet wound in the ear, which is ignorant as in being exposed to bullet wounds, they do not come out like a cookie cutter.

All we have is the FBI stating things with the CIA which are not matching what is known.

The FBI now says it has bullet fragments. What are the sources? Humans, bleachers, what?

In what the Lame Cherry has seen and read, the FBI stating it has fragments, means the bullets were not Full Metal Jacket as even on bleachers they should drill a hole through the metal as they are solid steel with a copper jacket.

Yet the bullet that murdered the Fire Chief, looks like in brain matter spew, to be a larger caliber than a 223. A soft point like the one which took off JFK's skullcap and not the FMJ 6.5 round of the magic bullet.

The bullet that hits the derrick in thee above video looks like a soft poitnt as it looks like the tell tale lead dust cloud on impact.

The bullet that crumples the guy in white after transversing the crowd looks to be FMJ if it exits and slumps the woman in front of him. If not then we have a hollow point or soft point which stays in him and another bullet strike the woman in front  acting like a FMJ hit.

Mr. Trump's bullet appears to be a larger caliber than 223. The tissue damage resembles a hollow point which is designed or violent energy transfer on tissue with little deep penetration.

Could all of the above be 223 bullets. Yes they can as bullets do perform differently, but to see evidence of this type of spread, the situation are not matching one tupe of bullet, especially as we have bullet from 90 degree Trump right, a 135 degree left of Trump, and the derrick round at around 190 degree angle.

All of this is designed to make all of us not trust our untrustworthy trolls in government and it is working.The stories are meant to not be trusted to shepherd this along. We are all in jeopardy of this again as what was LaVoy Finnicum assassinated by the security state has become a presidential leader again being fired. upon.

Upon examination of what Donald Trump stated and his wounds, the conclusion is he was struck with a larger caliber bullet than a 223, in the 6.5 to 7.62 range and a hollow point. A Chinaman hit would cause a JFK type trauma with the bullet disintegration, allowing more conspiracy. A miss and no one would ever find the bullet as the reverse firing lane was clear.

Nuff Said
