Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Hollywood: Our Movies Are For You - Just Watch Them From Jan6 Jail

Yes we are going to "make movies" now which are for Americans,
so no more talking like we got oatmeal in our mouths and the stuff we do behind closed doors.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I watched part of the original Twister when it came out to more Star Wars and whatever Steven Spielberg shit, and judged it a dumbass movie which only dumbasses would watch. I will never watch Twister that was releaased or any of this Hollywood shit, especially now that Hollywood has gone woke broke and is begging for Protestant White Christians to bail their sodom asses out of bankruptcy.

Last summer, ticket buyers in red states caught Hollywood’s attention when they turned “Sound of Freedom,” a thriller with QAnon overtones, into a runaway hit. “Sound of Freedom,” made independently for $15 million, collected $184 million in the United States, beating big-budget “Indiana Jones” and “Mission: Impossible” sequels.

The last movie I watched that I liked was called Metro. It was from the Russian Federation. It was like the Posieden Adventure but on a subway. It was really very good. I liked the best part in a wife was cheating on her husband, and the husband beats the piss out of the guy screwing his wife to almost killing him, and in the end the wife chooses her husband, tries to hold his hand, she shurgs her off and walks away, and she has to chase after him and get in the ambulance where he has to join her and the little girl. It was her humiliation which needed to be for the consequences and you will NEVER see anything like that in American woke movies who tell women that White Men should be fucked around on and cuckolds.

So I watch foreign movies when I find them and I'm not about to buy Budfucking Light Beer or any of this other shit that has a target on my morals and our children. I sure as hell am not going to start bankrolling Hollywood because they are in JewTrouble for the message of erasing and replacing White People.

I have heard nothing from Hollywood about Jan6 Political Prisoners, the murder of LaVoy Finnicum. the murder of Ashli Babbitt or any other American. No word about the assassination of Donald Trump. Just more of this same Drudge Report Rob Reiner Christophobe claptrap smearing people on the right and promoting more immorality on the left.

Hollywood does nothing but shitty sequels.  Hollywood does nothing but degrade humans. For a fact, there are thousands of movies, plays and television shows before all this woke shit that you can spend the rest of your lives watching. You don't need Hollywood, NetFlix, HBO or any of this reformed Kevn Costner shit out there.

I'm gong to share with you a list of movies that are pretty good which I doubt any of you have seen. Some are outstanding, some are what you expect in a movie and I will surprise you in one by Ben Afleck is a good movie, ,his only one.

PARKER - Jason Stratham, Jennifer Lopez 7 Stars

SOLDIER - Kurt Russel - 10 Star Movie

WRATH OF MAN   Jason Stratham - 8 Stars

TRUE ROMANCE - Christian Slater, Patrica Arquette - 8 Stars

SWITCH  - Jason Bateman, Jennifer Aniston - 7 Stars

ABRAHAM\ LINCOLN VAMPIRE HUNTER -  I have no idea - 9 stars

WARM BODIES  - I have no idea and John Malkovich  - 9 Stars

METRO - Russian actors - 8 Stars

GAME OF DEATH  - Wesley Snipes - 7 Stars

ARGO - Ben Affleck - 8 Stars

Most of these are rough movies and not for kids. They will keep you watching and they have a happy ending which is what I like. So there are  thousands of hours of video and film to watch so tell Hollywood to go bankrupt until they start financing Lame Cherry movies.

Having the critics praise you is like having the hangman say you've got a pretty neck

Nuff  Said
