Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Obama Math Theory

Your figures do not include the erosion of democracy in gravitational degradation effect.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Is this the Obama Inc math equation which is in theory from the Marxist professors of the South Side?

Minus Dictator + Big Mammy = DNC + Moon Beam minus Big Mammy + Big Mike


BIG MIKE                  DESERTER DON
_________     VS        _______________


The advice is to stay away from all of this so you do not end up like a project for Butler slope roofs. Keep your mouths shut, advocate PEACE, NON VIOLENCE and BEHAVE YOURSELVES.

The group behind Butler has a history of burning up babies in Waco, blowing up daycare in OKC, shooting mothers holding infants, letting old men bleed out in the snow, eating their own in Edwards, Blagojevich and Cuomo and ear piercing with bullets in PA. Who do you think they are going to run up the pole if this moves to a Big Mammy event. It is you and what you are spouting off about. So leave this alone, get away from this and shut up.

If you got something to say, say it do Jesus in a silent prayer.

Nuff Said

