Thursday, July 4, 2024

Schengen of Death


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It  is an interesting fact that your life is probably going to be spared because of a Wehrmacht General and an Inspired popular girl of the Saxons, named Mellenthin of the holocausted Prussian people.

There is much talk now about the 5 military corridores being created in Europe to ship the 300,000 American soldier on cattle cars to the concentrations on the Russian front to be ...........holocausted.

This is called the Schengen

Schengen Area - Wikipedia

The Schengen Area (English: /ˈʃɛŋən/ SHENG-ən, Luxembourgish: [ˈʃæŋən] ) is an area encompassing 29 European countries that have officially abolished border controls at

What Mellenthin explained in his memoirs was the necessity of withdrawal of military without chaos. Chaos is what turns a withdrawal into a rout with entire armies wiped out. We hear a great deal about those Shengen fast tracking Americans to the front, but no one in NATO has one Goddamn plan for when this all goes to shit which it will as Russia has 3 million troops and 10 to 1 odds does not win a battle nor hold a retreat.

The Wehrmacht was organized in all of this chaos and maintained order. It was more than the lines being moved. It was setting up rear command areas, camouflaging assembly areas and  hospitals for the wounded.

That all sounds well planned, but the Germans understood something more, that the civilian populations were moving with the German army too, away from Russians. If Germany had not planned for the refugees, they would have clogged up the roads and shut down the withdrawal, bunching up the military for being wiped out by artillery and air attack.

All of this was protected by another layer of mines, artillery, holding positions to delay the enemy from close pursuit.

The civilians had alternative routes which were constructed with their own bridges, hospitals and vets for their animals. That is why the German withdrawals were so successful for all.

One has to remember that Ukraine did not have modern roads. This was all Rome building it's own network for travel.

Mellenthin made the point that when the French ordered their retreat from northern France in 1941 AD in the year of the Lord, that is was a disaster. Even with enough roads for the French refugees and military, it became a quagmire of bodies, carts and machines. The French had no organization to deal with defeat.

The reason this popular girl is educating you on this is, NATO does not have a withdrawal command which is going to be necessary when Russia kicks the shit out of NATO's ass and they flee.

The Lame Cherry is going to clue the Europeans in on something  This insight is that when NATO flees to the west, is the reality of what will those gaggle of troops do with civilians in their way? The Russians had a plan in east Germany for civilians.  They drove their tanks forward and backward over the people and made the into a road.

There are not going to be NATO hospitals, NATO vets, NATO food or NATO anything for European refugees. They are going to be pushed off the roads, raped for transport or bedding down on at night and the White Russians are going to be the humane one on the road.

For those who have no clue, what do you think is going to happen before the nukes start falling in America? Do you think Fort Hood or whatever is going to just sit there and get nuked or are they going to evacuate too, on the same roads that you are being told by preppers to flee to the great Mitchel Sherman is telling you to drive on to safety.

You can bet your last can of Rense beans that when the order comes, to evac these bases, that those 60 ton Abrams tanks are going to appear at 60 miles an hour, with blades on the front and they are going to be throwing cars like snowdrifts into the ditch with people in those cars as those military convoys are going to have priority over you and killing you to protect them is the Pentagon way.

There is not any plan for civilian safety in all of these woke warmongering usurpers of the West. None of these sons of bitches has any thought other than advancing as they are going to win by the proclamation of these Ashkejew financiers. There are defeats coming. Crushing defeats. There are not going to be organized withdrawals or even chaotic retreats.There are going to be fag wokesters running for their lives with tanks, APC's and Hummers, running over people on the roads.

No one is asking the question, save this blog in, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE FAG MILITARY THAT JESUS WILL NOT FIGHT FOR LOSES? What happens to the civilians who are in the way?

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
