Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Democrat Coup Needs to Back Donald Trump


Quite Ugly In Tanking

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reason one does not see 80 year old rodeo bull riders, 80 year old doctors, 80 year old fighter pilots, 80 year old people in power, and that is because once a certain age is reached, people are old. Being old is a part of life and the extensions for Joe Biden being senile, brain damaged, Parkinsons, falls down, shits himself does not alter the fact that Joe Biden is an old man.

Do you know why honestly you never see any 80 year old military officers? The answer is simple in the mental and physical requirements exclude people by age. A Lt. Colonel will never be over 60 years old, for the simple reason, they have to be active in combat situations. General Patton used to burn through Generals who were in their 60's, because one simply must be on alert constantly. That is what a President is, Commander in Chief. They can not be good from 10 AM to 4 PM, and have a staff running the process the other 24 hours a day. It is disingeniuos in those who wanted Ronald Reagan gone when he was 1000 times sharper than Joe Biden and because of Trump hatred installed Joe by election fraud, and now are running a CIA coup, because the shit is about to hit the fan in the world, and Joe Biden is not aware of the wars and depression which is coming in being the woke dupe who brought about this disaster in his policies.

There is one thing which is telling in this and that is the Biden family is a group of sociopaths, self obsessed and have no empathy for America or Joe Biden. Biden should never have been allowed to run, protected by the Trump haters in a basement. For those who have judged Hillary Clinton as the worst pariah wife in history, Jill Biden makes Hamrod come off as Mother Theresa. It is simply geezer abuse in subjecting Joe Biden to what is taking place.

Do I believe Joe Biden quitting solves anythng? Not in the least.This quadroon foreigner in Kamala Harris is every bit as unqualified as Barack Obama was in phoning it in. You do not hand this Obama disaster off to someone who does not have the sense which old Joe Biden does. You can't win wars with Russia by being a sex pot who flat backed her way to the top.

I do not want Joe Biden replaced, not because I think that Donald Trump will help Americans, but because the only process which will work is the election process, which is already overflowing with vote fraud again.  The only democrat who is qualified to replace Joe Biden is Governor Cuomo, and Eric Holder, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton destroyed him, because he was a competitor.

Jill Biden is pariah in this, as she seems to be addicted to the page in history more  than her old husband. The fact all of us have to face at this moment is that Joe Biden is going to not finish out another 4 years, in office or out. If he is made to quit, it will kill him. If he stays in the office the stress will kill him. If he loses, he will be in old man rage about Trump and kill himself that way.

Democrats created this shit mess, by framing Trump and Jan6ers. From DC to the states, democrats are going to have to just deal with the piper they paid. That means they are going to have to follow someone like Governor Cuomo who told the Truth in Donald Trump was prosecuted because his name was Donald Trump as no one else would have been charged.

In order for Democrats to be re elected, they need to follow House members who say what Americans are thinking in they do not agree with Biden staying in the race, but are ok if Trump wins.

Democratic Rep. Jared Golden, 41, is now saying that he expects Trump to win after Biden's terrible debate performance.

'After the first presidential debate, lots of Democrats are panicking about whether President Joe Biden should step down as the party’s nominee,' he wrote for a Maine newspaper.

'Biden’s poor performance in the debate was not a surprise,' he continued.

'It also didn’t rattle me as it has others, because the outcome of this election has been clear to me for months: While I don’t plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that.'

It is difficult for democrats to distance from Joe Biden, because they are all crooks hooked into the Tel Aviv, Hollywood, Hedgefund and foreign bribes from China network. They own Obama's green disaster, own the invasion, own the holocaust in Tel Aviv and own the war with Russia. If they had simply in Congress done their job in checking the Kaganites, we would not be at this juncture of panic among democrats as they created this problem and Joe Biden just implemented the globalist take down of America.

Texas Democrat Rep. Lloyd Doggett, 77, first came forward on Tuesday, likening the hard decision he says Biden must make for the sake of the nation to the one made decades ago by another sitting Democratic president.

'President Biden should do the same,' he continued. 'While much of his work has been transformational, he pledged to be transitional.'

Lyndon B. Johnson chose to withdraw from the race in 1968 because rising casualties in the Vietnam war had made him extremely unpopular.

Biden is facing plummeting support after his disastrous debate performance on Thursday.  .   

'My decision to make these strong reservations public is not done lightly nor does it in a any way diminish my respect for all that President Biden has achieved.'

Democrats needed to be more like Teddy Roosevelt than Frank Roosevelt.

Joe Biden needs to be not approached in secret. He needs instead real votes in Congress, cutting his funding for wars, for invasion of America by foreigners, and no more spending at trillion dollars every 100 days. Democrats have to make the vote with the GOP to send the message that everything is on pause until the November elections take place, and then America will reap what it sows.

I know this is an amazing thing, but Government does work, when you have people doing the job which is required of them. In my pipe dream the presidential meeting which needs to take place is between Senator Charles  Schumer and Donald Trump. The meeting is simple in Schumer informs Donald Trump that he will be elected, but democrats want 3 things, which Trump could get done. Those 3 things would be done one at at time over the next 3 years, with the 4th year the politics appears for el presidente Rubio.

In addition, Bobby Kennedy would be Attorney General with no prosecutions of Trump, staff or supporters and Governor Cuomo would be appointed as Chief of Staff.

This is the coup democrat leadership must engage in. Make the deal now, as this will curb Russia to go diplomatic and not war, Tel Aviv will be put on a leash from trying to kill everyone in the Mideast, and the Obama invader flow will go to manageable numbers, not this human tsunami.

So everyone gets on the same page. Democrats and the CIA stop the coup against Biden, instead work a deal with Donald Trump, gain their quid pro quo, America stabilizes at home and abroad, and we are all not bleeding shit in the toilet from radiation poisoning. or suffocating from another plague bug by the profiteer elite.

I caution again to not get sucked into this bullshit as ALL of the winners from your state people to the White House have already been decided. Americans just need their poltical whores to stop knifing each other for a few years, so we do not disappear as a people.

*The last time the CIA media turned on a democrat, Ronald Reagan won in a landslide.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
