Monday, July 22, 2024

the better angels of our democrats


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly do not know if it is liberal afraid of the Trump Solution, being ordered to not play politics to appeal to Independent and Trump leaning democratic voters, but the Lame Cherry is gratified that Democrats who earned a capital D for there joining a hearing on the failings of the woke Secret Service in stating that SS Director Cheatle should resign.

All this blog has ever wanted is FAIR. That is all the majority of Jan6ers wanted was a FAIR review by Congress of the fraud in US election before they voted for Joe Biden. I will gladly champion the most beautiful woman in Washington City in Representative Cortez as she stated a most prudent, necessary and wise conclusion on the events at Butler Pennsylvania and the absolute eye rolling,the dog ate my homework performance of Director Cheatle. There has been absolutely nothing professional about this Director from her ludicrous "the roof sloped too much" to her blaming Pennsylvania law enforcement for Donald Trump being hot.

Below are examples of 4 Democrats who have left the nutty Hillary Clinton derangement behind and conducted themselves with distinction in a Congress which has had none for far too many decades.


“We are currently in the midst of … an especially concentrated presidential campaign,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said. “So the idea that a report will be finalized in 60 days, let alone prior to any actionable decisions that would be made, is simply not acceptable.” 

“It has been 10 days since an assassination attempt on a former president of the United States. Regardless of party, there need to be answers,” the New York Democrat said. “This is not a moment of theater. We need to make policy decisions, and we need to make them now.”


“It didn’t go well, and the short end of that story was, the university [presidents] all resigned; they’re gone,” Moskowitz said. “That’s how this is going for you. This is where this is headed. This is — I don’t know who prepared you for this, I don’t know how many times you’ve testified in front of Congress, but a president was almost assassinated live on television … and this being your first opportunity — and I understand there’s an ongoing investigation and I understand there’s things that you can not talk about.”

“But the idea that we’re getting less than you did on television is something that Democrats, independents, or Republicans are going to find unacceptable,” Moskowitz added.


Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) asked Cheatle if she “really plans to avoid answering questions” about the shooting


Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) put Cheatle in the hot seat after correcting her on the path former Secret Service Director Stuart Knight took following the failed assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. 

Look, Democrats watch the same videos all of us have. They are the same politicians who have the same blackmailers like the GOP has in the Kosher Cabal threatening them. Everyone of them watched Donald Trump almost take a bullet to the head as the Secret Service stood around, and that the same people who have been hauling Trump's ass into court and sending in the FBI to raid Trump's mansion with shoot to kill orders, can just as readily tomorrow be turned on them, exactly like the victims of January 6th and Lavoy Finnicum.

The way Democrat are acting, seems to indicate that this is serious, yes it is serious that people were shot and murdered by more than one shooter in PA, but serious that they have conceived that the parties involved in the Butler assassination, were not bluffed by the protective groups which own these politicians. These Congressional members seem to understand that everyone saw what we saw in an execution, that is open season on any one of us, when those above the law decide to get rid of us.

Whatever the divide, I would hope that we can agree that some group tried to eliminate Americans at Butler, and that the same groups are moving to erase all of us. We need to stop the sex deviant division and obtrain the common ground of all of our survival and not the elimination of the other as in Lincoln's house divided, we are all going to die, just as the Fire Chief did in the stands.

The Lame Cherry praises Democrats for being Americans and I hope they continue for America as it is too late to stop what is going to befall this fractured nation, but we are all going to need each other in those who survive to the other side.

Nuff Said
