Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Where have all the Biden's gone?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Please do not view this as good guys and bad guys. But understand that multiple shooters were in Pennsylvania where people were shot and died. The fact is that Trump was shot and Biden got out of the presidential race and has now disappeared.

Journalists suggest that the 81-year-old president's condition could have seriously deteriorated due to COVID-19. The media adds that the White House physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, reported an improvement in Joe Biden's health. However, for the current week, the administration of the head of state does not publish a schedule of events with his participation.

Remember John the hero McCain with his cancer, moving cast from one foot to the other, how he recovered and just as suddenly died after betraying the world on Obmacare, as how does one explain a cancer recovery when he was supposed to die.

Biden's brother speaks "of the time they have left".

This all sounds when connected to PA that a President Harris is in the offing to run off of that platform and full corrupt resources.

The heat is being turned up in blackmail.

HOLY SMOKES! Trump Assassination Attempt — It’s all about to Blow UP!!

🚨Senator Ron Johnson: A SECOND SHOOTER — And a Mystery ATF Agent that’s Now Gone Dark!

• July 13, Secret Service did not attend the 9am Security meeting with Local Law Enforcement
—— Law Enforcement wasn’t even on the same security channel
—— The Sniper and Swat teams weren’t on the same channels as patrol officers, or Secret Service

• At 10:30am in the morning, the local PD team told to secure the perimeter of the AGR building.
—— no one told them where to go, so they set up on the 2nd floor.

• At 5:14pm ET, The Local Sniper Team took photos of the Shooter, Crooks, in the AGR building.
—— why wasn’t he intercepted?
—— the photo(s) were taken at 5:14pm ET, and Trump was shot at 6:11pm ET

• A Preliminary report will be released to solicit more eye witness testimony.
— if you have any videos, save it!

— Was it one rifle? Was it more than one?
— there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five more rapidly five… how do explain that?

“I’ve seen things from experts that cause us to question the FBI saying there was a single shooter.”

• The Sniper team was the first to go on the roof and began taken pictures of the dead body.
— Someone in a suit approached them and told them to send those photos to an ATF Agent…
— “I thought this was very strange.”
— No one even asked him for credentials. They thought it was Secret Service
— They tried to call the ATF Agent, BUT NOW HE’S GONE DARK!!!!! They cannot find him. WTF!!!!

Why in the hell was the Local Law Enforcement being told to send photos to the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agency?

Why has the ATF Agent gone Dark??

#InsideJob Job

There is no doubt that PA came from the inside to remove the person who the Dictator could not defeat. It was a sloppy job and now the information is pouring out linking this to the DNC. The quickest way to cover this up is a fast exit and a Harris wall to thwart any investigation as the FBI does what it does in covering up evidence for the status quo.

This is interesting WWE backstage theater.

It appears that someone at ATF who worked for another agency as a plant, had photos mailed to them by another agency in a suit who knew exactly which local law enforcement to approach.

Just a projection. We may not ever be told this, but I suspect somewhere there are 223 and 308 bullets in custody. Two guns by design.

Nuff Said
