Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Heroes of Butler


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has been so many days since the Trump assassination, and we have been told in media how the snipers saved untold numbers of people in the audience by there "quick" reaction to the shooting, but why is it that we  have not seen this parade of heroes with Donald Trump?

I mean history shows when JFK was assasinated, we had heroes from the Secret Servcie. Ronald Reagan got shot and we had heroes from the Secret Service. When bin Landen got his head canoed we had Navy SEALS paraded before us. Every time there is a big event we always have lots of heroes who have taken bullets or gunned down bad guys lined up before us...........but not this time.

Now why on earth is that?

We have all witnessed what a great job they dead. I mean look at the picture below. There is Donald Trump for the third time having his head and body exposed to assassins again after having just been shot in the head. And who could not be proud of DEI, in there is that little plump woman, shorter than Donald Trump, no protection at all, but presenting him to other shooters as a clean avenue for a shot.

I mean these people are modern heroes, from the guy who looks like Hutner Biden, to the entire security detail, as they heroically left open a sniper platform, where a sniper walked in, put up a canvas ladder, crawled around on the roof for everyone to see, adusted his scope and gun or 4 minutes, got off five shots, which on struck Donald Trump in the head,, murdered a volunteer Fire Chief shielding his family with his body, shot two other Americans in the stands, leaving them in critical condition, and did not move at all to cover Donald Trump, but Trump had to save himself by ducking for cover as the agents on stage just sat there.

These are real heroes. I'm calling for Dictator Biden and this heroic Congress to awarrd all these security people the President and Congressional medals. The head of the Secret Service has earned a medal. Homeland Director Myorkas needs a medal as he turned down Robert Kennedy and Donald Trump's request for more security and responded by handing out electronic equipment.

Biden needs to give himself a medal as much as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who were loving Donald Trump after this ins saying now we are all Americans, even Jan6ers it seems.

Attorney General Merrick Garland needs a medal as he said that terrorism only happens during the daylight, so this security detail knew this shooter was not  terrorist and had time to watch him fire off five shots in murdering and injuring people.

I would give medals to the FBI as they were not distrated by assassins, as they steadfastly continued to hunt down Grandma Jan6 and arrest her as she was the real threat.

Finally, Donald Trump needs some medals as he saved himself while all the heroes were being heroes.

I just wonder though why we are not having all of these heroes on television with stories about them being heroes, like all the other times the heroes were brought before us.

An armed municipal officer with Butler Township encountered the gunman before the shooting, Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloupe confirmed to CBS News. The officer and others had been previously alerted to a suspicious person and began searching for him right away, Sloupe told CBS Pittsburgh reporter Jen Borrasso.

The officer was hoisted by another officer onto the roof of the building where the shooter was in position. The shooter focused his rifle towards the officer, who let go and fell off the roof. Then the shooter began firing into the crowd, according to Sloupe.

Let us not judge these law enforcement, as what do we think in they owe us something, because we are paying them to protect us and put their lives on the line so America does not explode into civil unrest, because Donald Trump is murdered.

We need hero medals for those who ran away too, not just those who stand down.

It just puzzles me.

Nuff Said

Bonnie Tyler - I need a hero (Holding Out for a Hero) (Lyrics)

Aug 27, 2023 ... I need a hero - 0:55 Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out for a Hero Stream "Holding Out for a Hero": Follow ...
