Saturday, August 3, 2024

Evidence of Two Bodies on the Thomas Crooks Roof


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By God's Grace this Lame Cherry has had numerous exclusives over the years, but this one concerning the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the murder of other and the  wounding of others gives me pause as in using published video as evidence of the shootings on the north side of thee event, the Lame Cherry is going to show you something stunning, which is as big of story as you have ever heard of.

The video sources on this are the Beaver County SWAT, the Stewart video, and the video of one of the wounded attendees which was featured by Fox News. All legitimate and verified.

With that background on the sources, the focus on this is what I will post on more later this week, but in this exclusive in matter anti matter, I was perplexed when the Fox video appeared as it had "Thomas Crooks" running along the roof, and as John Cullen exposed, this person had his head blown off AND TRUMP WAS STILL SPEAKING.

The reason this perplexed me is we first watched the video of "Thomas Crooks" bear crawling on the roof, before the shots at the event took place. This became more involved in the Washington Post featured a story which stated that a Pennsylvania law enforement officer, came out of the North Barn, saw muzzle flashes from "Crooks", shot once, and then, this was melded into a video discussed which said it proved the officer fired, as "Crooks" after being fired upon, and the people did not know if he was hit, as he went almost fetal position in staying down.

This is where the problem arises in the runner on the roof, has not fired any shots, no one is firing at him or at Mr. Trump, he rises up and a bullet appears to atomize his brain to his right side, meaning he was shot from the east, and not south where the SS Snipers were positioned on the South Barn, as the North Barn team could not see "Crooks".

The "Crooks" which we have seen photos of, is shot from the front, his top teeth are shattered and the bullet exits the back of his skull base. This indicates the South Team shot, and is accepted.

Now for the Lame Cherry exclusive and I will explain this as I will publish the screen grabs to prove the exclusive.

On these glass works buildings, they are metal roofing with ridges. You can count them.

There is a waymark in all of these photos which I first noticed in the 4 metal ducts on the side of the building. They do not move. There is no doubt in position of the shooter.

In the roof runner, you can count that from his position to the first duct is 7 ridges.

In the Beaver Swat video, you can see the blood trail which drained down the roof. You can count from the edge of the roof on the east side 20 ridges.

This is where the Holy Ghost Inspires this blog as no one has thought of this, in I took the Stewart video and he is so excited in all over the place and shaking, that you never get a shot of this long building intact. So I had to freeze frame the video and assemble it. I have for your review the 3 stills, so you know what they looked like, and again, there is certainty. The 4 ducts, the drain tiles down the roof, the vents on the side and the windows. These features do not move.

This is the assembled panaroma view of the 3 screen captures and in this the red lines on top, show you were the Fox video shooter had his head blown off and where the Beaver County Swat were standing in the blood trail of the shooter who had his head blown off.

We have two videos, one from Fox showing someone had their head blown off above the first window and Beaver County Swat showing the location where the blood trail and corpse was of another person who was shot in the mouth and had their brains blown out.

Both of these shots were separated by Donald Trump beginning his speech and Donald Trump turning to the billboard and being shot in the ear.

The video evidence shows that there were two different people shot on that roof. both brain shots and both instant kills. The bodies did not catapult on their own nor were they dragged.

Yes I loathe these CIA conspiracies to cover up events so perpetrators get away with murder. This though is not some AI fake, someone thinking they saw something which did not happen. This is recorded images, with a set grid of ridges for reference which are undeniable as they do not move.

It gives reason why the FBI was hosing down the roof as there has to be two blood and brain trails on that roof, or were as water, sun and bleach have probably erased all traces that no agents would be able to find them now.

The Lame Cherry ends this with if you notice the panorama photo, shooter one and shooter two are both lined up over window one and window two. John Cullen has shown muzzle flash from window 2. This alignment is not by accident. Therefore the logical projection was, these shooters were on that roof before the Trump event. They had coordinated the blind spot and they had coordinated the positions on the roof and the widows below. There were markings on that roof which were visible to the shooters on the lower line, mid line and ridge cap to guide them.

Shooter 1 appeared to be a novice, perhaps a patsy left on the roof  by this goup who set this up. Shooter 2 had some ability in knowing to stay down.and crawl.

Now you have the evidence which others will be claiming as their narrative in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Anyone could have had this if they had just counted the ridges.

Nuff Said


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