Saturday, August 3, 2024

From the Ass' Mouth Braying Kamala

 “I like to think of the word FOCUS as: Follow One Course Until Successful.”

- Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know the pronouns for livestock but whatever it is, the braying of this sex deviant Joyce DeCerne, critiquing Kamala Harris 2024 Campaign as a loser deserves attention, as this man named Joyce is a Kamala big wig, and sums up Harris' campaign as -

Lie to the rich democratic donors and take their money.

The Lame Cherry has looked at the real polling. She is down by 8 to 10 points and is flatlining. That is why she has disappeared as the polling discovered the more people saw her, the more they hated her.

I have told you that the operatives all have read these polls. They know she can not win. They had over a week to rig these polls and there was no upward trends.
The fact is that Donald Trump only needs two swing states to win, and in even the rigged polling, Trump is winning those states. 

You can read the bullshit on Drudge out of Peking in Kamala winning, but the fact is that Harris is not gotten the votes from the DNC to be the nominee. Sure this can be spun as a cliff hanger to try and gin up support, because the Harris campaign is paying people to attend her events, and is busing in bums off the street. There is less interest in Kamala Harris than  there was in empty seats Joe Biden.

For the sake of the world, I wold hope that the Obama plot to spring their coup on Kamala at the DNC and install Big Mike and Moonbeam on the second super ballot, as that kind of ticket could cause major propaganda problems for TRANCE, but all of this points sit a really eerie quiet in all of this as it is dawning on everyone that Big Mammy is not going to win, even with stealing it. That leaves Obama Inc two choices and both are 3rd world repeats in  either they Butler Big Mammy or they Butler NeoDon again.

At this point it looks like the democrats are just going to drown their sorrows in a billion dollar donor butt sex orgy and just slip slide away as there is no RPM in the delegates. They are all tired as Joe Biden is old and are worn out from the lack of deliverance which has made them into Gaza genocidists and Kiev holocaust Nazis.

This all has the last days of Berlin feeling where there was debauchery in the Nazi party, Hitler in the bunker, people dying in wars, and there was not any care for tomorrow. I'm not stating that this  is written in stone, but I'm stating that if Big Mike blows on this Harris pile of dust, it disappears. I'm telling you of Big Mike does not reach out and finish off his girl at the DNC, then in a month when Harris' polling is 20 plus down to Trump, the democrats are going to be screaming about Obama Inc for running this Biden coup, leaving them with loser Kamala Harris whom Obama Inc foisted onto Biden to be expendable politically, and blaming Big Mike for not running. This is going to be the legacy of the Obama's as they played too South Side cool and got caught by their own bling.

All America needs is Harris holding on to get this nomination, democrat malaise to engulf Harris' campaign and the irony is that the Obama's designed all this to get rid of Harris, and get rid of Biden, but in the end the undertow of Biden and Harris is going to wipe out the Obama power.

It would seem the Jeb Bush dullness does wear off. Don't hug the George.

“In the make-believe world you will automatically get paid what you are worth. The real world doesn't work that way. You get paid what you are worth only when the person you are dealing with has no other choice.”

- Donald Trump

Nuff Said
