Friday, August 2, 2024

Logical Projection - What to Watch for

I like flower power as the petals are finally something whiter than me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Considering a DIA backed Secret Service Sniper has stated that the leaders of the SS must be fired and to expect another attempt on Donald Trump in 30 days, perhaps a logical time line should be presented to take in the entire reality. (This is what the DNC operatives in Obama speak would state.)

Secret Service Counter-Sniper - 'Expect Another
Assassination Attempt'

Trump’s Speech Delayed After ANOTHER Secret
Service ‘Security Lapse’

Local SWAT In Butler, PA Had NO COMMS
With Secret Service During Trump Rally

Acting Secret-Service Chief Played Key Role
In Limiting Resources For Trump

Secret Service Counter-Sniper Sends Email To Entire
Uniformed Division…He Will Not Stop Speaking Out
Until ‘5 High-Level Supervisors' Resign

First, Big Mammy was appointed to be expendable politically. She is weak. Her real polling has her down 10 points. She is worse than Dictator Biden who was losing even with vote fraud. Obama Inc knows this, and their choice was Senator Moon Beam of Arizona.

Watch in the coming days if Big Mammy has some cringe problems which will be amplified going in to the DNC, in which the delegates will state they can not hand this over to her. Watch for a first round stalemate as Obama Inc will move and in order to appease the Big Mammy zombies, Big Mike will lead the ticket and Moon Beam will be the VP doing all the work like Biden did for Obama taking credit.

If the DNC allows Big  Mammy to get the nomination, then it is a major paradox in she will lose. That will mean 12 years of President Vance and the routing out of Marxism in America which the DNC is now based on. That ends the careers of Big Mike, Hamrod and every current wannabe politician. The move has to be now to alienate Big Mammy from the delegates.

If this Kamala Coup does not foment, then the Secret Service above comes back into play in another attempts on NeoDon and at this point, do not count out the Eric Holder group who authored everything from Waco to taking out Governor Cuomo to making a move on Big Mammy to nullify the NeoDon ear at minimum and at maximum make the ultimate Big Mike rallying cry for his girl.

The counter sniper also said the agency "SHOULD expect another assassination attempt" before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13.

If you ever want to watch what party operatives are like, look at Philip Seymour Hoffman in that Clooney movie. That is how cold as ice this group is, and they are all in emails now talking about the non support for Kamala Harris and the options going into the convention and the pie in the sky of "if only something embarrassing happens".

They gave this a week to get Big Mammy's poll numbers up, and they have not budged. Instead as James Carville warned, the Republicans have got their sea legs and are doing the DIA job to stop her as a radical in the swing voters mind as that is who is introducing her now to the public. All of those signs show that there is no media or advance team for Harris. All she had was the backstage WWE call from the image and Big Mike and that was mocked. The campaign has flatlined and guilt over getting rid of the Dictator is falling onto Big Mammy.

I'm out of politics and not getting sucked into this theater. This though are things for you to keep an eye on a the indications are there.

Just remember that Joe Biden lied. He told Obama and Clinton he was one term, just to steal the election from Trump and get the FBI hunting down Jan6ers. He betrayed that duo as they expected him to quit, Kamala to be flushed in the political primaries and their chosen duo to rise to the top. The Dictator screwed this all up, and that is why the coup happened, as Obama Inc was not going to wait for a loss.

This is all in motion inside Obamaland.

The Lame Cherry calls for peace and people standing down. The last thing literally we need is more attempts on any candidate as that is what AOC was being adult about in twice is not going to be nice in the mob and we do not want this becoming tit for tat.

Pennsylvania has revealed the Secret Service is broken. Pennsylvania police revealed they were left without communication and direction and were devastated by their failure. This is not going to be fixed before the election. So all of this intrigue has a wide open venue to act out in macabre plans.

We need these trolls who are groomed by the FBI paid assets program to find unbalanced and retarded people for operations which gain the big budgets to stop their operations as something odd was taking place with Thomas Crooks in two other cell phones, one of which was in DC at an FBI location.

I doubt that is going to happen, so each of us has to stay away from all of this, so we are not in handcuffs or the morgue.

Nuff Said
