Friday, August 2, 2024

Watching A Head Explode At An Assassination


What if the funding of this came out of Ukraine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are stories which are going to post this coming week which are going to seem at times out of sequence, and they are, as the information is coming fast, and most of it is coming from John Cullen who has done exceptional work, and I state this not to discount his work, but some of it is so past the cutting edge, it has surpassed his known information flow. What needs to be focused on is the fact that there were more than 2 shooters.

I'm going to provide a scenario next week which is already posted to explain a theory of what took place as all of this is being homogenized together by the Lame Cherry.

In this video, we are are going to examine the biggest disaster in the lies from the government. I will feature in a future post a TMZ video from Twitter like this one, which when coordinated will show that SS Sniper Team North is shot at least twice as the Agent recoils being knocked back in being protected by body armour. The problem in this is that you can see Donald Trump waving at his ear at the same time, and you see him starting to duck in being hit as the Agent is being hit. One shooter can not be shooting in two directions, especially as there is a tree blocking Crooks from seeing and firing at the North Barn. There is a great deal of ammo pouring over that area. Cullen is correct in silencers were used and I will address that weapon later too.

For now, what is below is someone getting their head blown off on the roof where Thomas Crooks was shown you dead. Again one of many problems is Donald Trump has not yet been shot and this person is dead with his head blown off. If you watch you can see the bullet come out with brain matter, before hair flies and the head disappears. The person dead on the roof who we have seen, was head shot, but his head is intact.

Meet you on the other side

We are going to get into morbid things now, but it is vital to all of this as you are seeing things which you should not see. In the above video, what you witnessed in the screen grab below which I have blown up an highlighted is the red line is this ridgerunners brain being atomized by a high speed bullet. That is the white tear drop shaped object on the left. The blue line  is showing you his head.

You are basically looking at this person at a 15 degree angle from the Trump position as the podium.

What you witnessed in the above video is the brain atomized exploding out the right side of this person and then the head disappears. If you watch this through a few times in just freezing it with your mouse, what you will eventually see is this person who has been running, pops up from a crouched position, comparatively straight up. He is shot, the atomized brain stem blows out, and so you understand this, when someone shoves you in your shoulders back, you automatically brace in your muscles. This is what this person did, but as the bullet is gone and not holding the body, the body naturally slams forward in it's last nerve impulse. That is why the person seems to disappear in an instant and if you oberve closely, you will see the boy basically flop over.

Not exactly dinner table sights you would care to see, but that is what the video shows.

Now that you know what you are seeing and why, we can examine the forensics.

Below is a diagram, all that is of interest in this are the red boxes showing the Secret Service Snipers, the Crooks position and the line of firing of the SS Snipers from the South Barn, because the North Barn team can not see Crooks, as a tree is blocking the view.

In the series you can see it is almost a straight line from the South Barn to Crooks position. Remember that as the second photo is the person with the brains coming out the right side of his head in what appears an almost 90 degree angle.

You can see in the last illustration, C is Crooks, T is Trump, S is Sniper and the red line from the Sniper to Crooks is the bullet angle. In this the brains should be coming out of the back of Crooks head not at the side as the photo shows.

Due to the brain matter, Crooks was not shot from a southerly angle looking north. Crooks had to have been shot from a east northeasterly angle, which in what John Cullen is presenting in Donald Trump has not yet been shot, and the person on the roof is dead, you may ascertain why the Lame Cherry is referring to this as a person and not Thomas Crooks, as we have problems with the eyewitness and video accounts now in events on that roof.

The Lame Cherry will add one last unanswered question and this photo below is after that person was shot in the brain matter came out the left side. As you can see to the right of that black line, we are either seeing hair or more brain matter now coming out the other side. It may be that this person was almost in the same instant shot from the west and this may be why the body is driven so hard to the right, due to another bullet to the head. It is either muscle reflex with hair or he was shot again.

No the problems in this are, we were first introduced this situation by the BBC interview in which the red haired guy said the shooter was crawling on the roof and no one was paying attention and he got his head blown off.

The person we saw with the 3 cops poised over him does not have his head blown off. Yes hair can fly around and bits of head, but there is more to this situation than the head blown off.

There is video I have read of in a Washington Post report that the Butler law enforcement state they had an officer who came out of the North Barn, saw the muzzle flashes, and fired a round at the Crooks position. The video cited to corroborate this is Crooks is in position, then upon being shot at, goes into an almost fetal position and does not move,  so the question was if the officer hit Crooks.

Now we have seen video of Crooks crawling up the roof before firing, in a straight line from the position of this person who has his brains blown out. The question is which is not answered is how is this person with their brains blown out, running just below the ridge and not crawling as Trump is speaking and not shot at yet, and this person gets killed. Later in this time line as the shooting starts, "Crooks" is crawled up the roof and is then shot in the head by the South Barn SS Snipers.

There is not some time warp in this, and this is no AI generated fake video. We had people seeing two  different situations in real time and you have watched them too now.

The person above with his brains blown out, having run across the roof, can not be Thomas Crooks crawling up that roof later, when shots are fired at Trump, because the first person is dead.

It is impossible to meld someone running along the roof and shot in the head before Trump is shot at with someone crawling up the roof, fired upon after firing, going fetal, then popping his head up and being shot in the head and killed.

At this moment, I'm not interested in the point proven by John Cullen of multiple shooters, because it is proven. The focus is two different and recorded events of shooters on that roof which do not match.

The focus is South Barn Team at this exact time is facing South, not North like the other team is at the glass works. South Team is protecting the South exposure of the Trump rally. They are not even looking at Crooks position as there is no police communication and the Stewart video has Crooks crawling on the roof.  There is no one in Secret Service with a rifle pointed at his person whose brains are blown out in the positions which are published. This person who dies, appears to be have shot from the trees to the east.

It is a question in maybe this is why the Secret Service was engaged in janitorial duties on the roof as there is enough evidence to suggest there were two bodies on that roof., two blood trails, two piles of brain matter.

I simply do not know as the data is not matching what we were told. I do know the Grassley video may have been recorded very tight in another body present. This is of course what I detest in this CIA conspiracy theory cover so no one can trust anything.

At this point there was someone running on the roof and someone crawling on the roof. The red haired guy if he could explain his eyewitness account of what he saw in the head blown off is crucial and his review of the person crawling on the roof as he saw, because if he states anything different than a person running on the roof, sits up, gets his head blown off and Donald Trump continues to speak, then we need his account of how a guy was crawling on the roof before this on the left side as we have seen, and then as we have seen a guy running on the roof, as both of these individuals were shot in the brain and crawled no more, nor did they run any more.

Nuff Said
