Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ridge Runner


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is now another bizarre video about Thomas Crooks, in the UK press out of Fox News, which shows him running along the top of the building while Trump is speaking. I start this out with the position of the Secret Service Snipers by Trump's location in the red and green lines. The blue line shows where Crooks is running along.

The point in this is, is that he is clearly visible to Secret Service North Team in the forward red building.

The point being he is clearly visible to the Pennsylvania SWAT teams behind this position in the 3 windows there.

This video makes zero sense in what Crooks was dong, as we have all witnessed the Grassy Knoll video of Crooks crawling up the roof. That is in the red square position to the right in the photo above. Crooks is crawling to not be seen in the video. Yet we now have video of Crooks exposing himself to both sniper teams. There IS ZERO CHANCE that the snipes in North Building missed this guy. There was the sniper, there was the spotter. It does not make any difference in the non communication between Secret Service and PA Police, because Secret Service saw this guy, and more to the point, in the ground video recorded before the shots, the police on the ground are running around, getting up on things, and focusing on that building. There is ZERO CHANCE that the Secret Service on the North Building Roof, missed all those cops running around. The State Policeman who climbed up on a table to get a better look, has his gun drawn.

Zero Chance that SS team missed any of this.

Below is the position of Crooks on the roof in being shot. The large red oval is  where the UK says the ladder was found. Cops say they put it there later. This was the perfect spot for Crooks and where he was seen crawling up the roof to his position.

The picnic bench is where the SWAT photographed him sitting.

In this, Crooks is at the top of the picture, running with his head exposed over the ridge. That in turn is where SWAT is behind him and could not have missed him, if they were even there. Everything is in question now about PA SWAT

Below is the video of Crooks or whoever running along the roof ridge. Again this is completely opposite of Crooks crawling in trying to stay hidden. It makes no sense. As you watch the video, observe though how close Crooks was to Trump. As this Lame Cherry has stated, this venue should never been allowed by Secret Service.

From what the above shows, the only conclusion is that PA Swat was not positioned at the 3 windows. They were downstairs probably eating donuts when the call came in about Crooks, and at that point, they did not leave the windows as they were never there, but they did join the search for Crooks and perhaps ran up to the windows, and did not see Crooks because the angle had a blind spot.

As they did not shoot Crooks, they left the windows and the venue was open.

At this point, the lackluster Secret Service team was not firing as they had not seen Crooks due to missing him, and were probably watching the PA police run around in the grass, and were wondering what they were engaged in.

It was political as SS was not going to shoot someone they did not now was armed, to give Trump drama a boost in the polls over Biden.

By this time 8 shots had been fired. Secret Service North could not see Crooks. It required Secret Service South to shift their position 180 degrees, and attempt to locate Crooks, who had stopped firing for what seems like a lapse of 10 seconds and then the SS Sniper fires the round killing him.

Secret Service Counter-Sniper Sends Email To Entire
Uniformed Division…He Will Not Stop Speaking Out
Until ‘5 High-Level Supervisors' Resign

After this video, it is not 5 irresponsible Agents. It is the spotter sniper team on North, it is the PA Swat assigned to this position, it is the command of PA Swat who were sent a text and photo of Crooks sitting outside their building 90 minutes before any of this, with his vehicle identified and no one moved to shut him down,

None of this would have happened of a cost effective bullet proof glass barrier had been placed in a U around Donald Trump.

None of this would have taken place if one donut eating cop has been on the roof.

If you watch extended videos, there are around 50 cops prowling around afterwards. 20 of them with shotguns should have been on the roofs around this venue.

Nuff Said
