Thursday, August 1, 2024

what kind of gun

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When David John Oates on Rense played his reversals of the Director of Secret Service, over the Trump attempted assassination, there was a phrase in her quite malevolent and telling responses in referencing she did the muck in the cellar, meaning he was managing the op, and that the CIA was referenced in being involved as cover for the operation, that she said the following.


As Mr. Rense and Mr. Oates are not in operations, this was ignored and moved passed without comment, but it gave me pause as it was an odd narrative, but by Inpiration by the Holy Ghost I immediately discerned what she was stating.

This phrase needs to be broken into parts. The first is OUR HUMAN and the second WITH A DART.

Now why would someone in a field of shooters would they say OUR HUMAN. If you remember that Mark Wallberg movie named The Shooter, you should get some insights in a mechanical or robotic firearm is used as in other Hollywood venues. Our human, means that the decision was to utilize a human to carry out the attempt.

This could have meant a drone, a electronic attack, a  bio agent etc... as it is apparent all venues were examined, and the standard human patsy with back up was decided on as the operation.

We now examine WITH A DART.

That is an odd figurative for a reversal or a bullet. You dart rhino in tagging them which is not lethal. So this reference has to mean, literal in a dart was discussed and as there appear to not have been any darts, microscopic or not, this platform is still in play out there.

This would logically be a small needle like dart, perhaps mosquito size. There are references of female sex partners to dictators in scripts having a biological on their painted nails, scratching the male they are having sex with, and the guy having a heart infection in a short time. A virus, bacteria, fungal all are  small and replicate and we hear constantly of people dying. The prion in the vax is one such agent in the mass population. Microscopic is small, and we all have vegetable based plastics in our meds dissolving in our stomachs due to heat, it is not out of the  realm of this dart being out there, as the Soviets used an umbrella with a metal ball to inject ricin into someone in Europe long ago.

So it is interesting in this reversal of what was discussed and was not used, and is still out there as this was on the Directors mind, along with a host of other reversals in "MISSED HIM", which is culpable.

As the Director resigned, as the shooters in Bulter had the Trump speech and began firing on a phrase in that speech, it would not seem that another attempt would be directed out of SS, but remove back to the cover of this Brennan Russiagate CIA group which was directing FBI assets.

As the legitimate Secret Service has moved Trump venues inside, this would then change the platform from the Oswald Crooks venue of a set up. Magnetrometers would not register plastic darts nor other devices which would become the choice in an enclosed venue.

Again this is all public knowledge, coming out of CIA Mockingbird in Hollywood scripts and what has been reported in the news.

Our human with a dart is revealing in what was discussed in the muck of the cellar.

Nuff Said
