Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Lives Donald Trump Saved


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The People of Butler Pennsylvania are still mad as hell that  a group of more than a 20 year old kid, tried to assassinate Donald Trump to put democrats into 4 more years of the White House, while murdering their beloved Fire Chief and severely injuring others. There is a story though of Butler which is not making it to enough people and this story must be told in what Butler residents and rally supporters know, in, Donald Trump saved lives that day.

The below quote says it all.

This Lame Cherry informed you weeks ago, that it looked like Thomas Crooks premier which he posted online was akin to an ANTIFA WILDING paid for by George Soros and Warren Buffett. The projection indicates that Crooks and others were there to fire over the crowd and get them to stampede and get people trampled to death as on January 6th, and then set off flash bang devices to terrify and stampede people at their secondary gathering locations.

People in the stands, thousands of them were in a panic with so much firing taking place into the crowd. It was Donald Trump who saved them though.

She gave one sign to neighbor Paul Critchcow who was at the rally and said that Trump rising to his feet stopped a stampede from happening.

"There could have been a lot of people trampled, and it didn't happen, so it says a lot," Critchcow says.

They say Trump’s actions embodied the defiant spirit of their community and noted that when potential rioters arrived in the city in 2020 during the height of the summer’s riots, open-carry residents lined streets in Butler City to deter them.

"We said, 'You're not going to burn anything here, and the police supported it. They were standing there with us. Nobody pointed any weapons … and we drove them off," Critchcow says.


As you can read, Butler was targeted before by ANTIFA and BLM. It was not an accident that anarchists appeared there again, in thinking they were state sponsored heroes.

It is published widely in this blog of the issues which the Lame Cherry has with Donald Trump, from his abandoning MAGA, his vax, his tax cuts for conglomerates, his abandoning people on Jan6. But, in stating that, that does not negate what Donald Trump did in Butler PA in standing up while being shot, still a  target, and rallying people to be brave, so they did not stampede and kill each other as intended.

The Lame Cherry, if the powers install a Republican majority, supports Donald Trump to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism in saving Americans lives by standing his ground and being defiant.

You can stick those Presdiential Freedom Medals who are handed out to worthless fags as much as the Nobel Prize was Affirmative Action handed to Barack Obama for nothing. .Those are tainted. The CMH  though is of thee American People. Donald Trump earned such an affirmation for saving lives when his own life was in jeopardy

This story needs to be known and understood. Donald Trump risked his life to save others. That is what a Hero is. No matter what else Donald Trump is accused of, Donald Trump was a Hero in America on July 13th.

Nuff Said
