Sunday, August 11, 2024

Biden's Political Assassins Now Blaming Each Other

No Nancy, you do it, as you look better with blood stained hands.

“You know, clearly there were leaders of the party who decided to go ahead and go very public. And that gave permission to other people to go public,” Dunn told Politico of the growing chorus of Democrats calling on Biden to abandon his run after his debate flop June 27. 

Asked whether she was referring to “senators and House members” as well as “when Nancy Pelosi goes on TV twice when things feel like they’re dying down and reopens the debate,” Dunn shot back, “Absolutely.” 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears the projected backlash of Democratic voters against the coup plotters of fragile old Joe Biden has begun and Kamala Harris has sent out her Goebbels Corp to put the Blood Libel on the plotters in an attempt to save herself.

Joe this is my doctor, you can trust him, as he treats Parkinsons with apples
and senility with Ex Lax.

Joe doesn't need meds to debate. He is healthy as a 20 year old stud!!!

George, that 100 year old bottle of tonic you gave me had a label under it that read
CONTAINS LEAD, ARSENIC, STRYCHNINE, CYANIDE, and above that the label says

The president is said to have especially sour feelings toward Obama, who he felt was the true puppet master; maybe he was. Obama certainly was aware of the damning op-ed penned by George Clooney, which increased the pressure on Biden to quit. The former president didn’t order the hit piece but didn’t do anything to dissuade the Hollywood star from sending it to The New York Times. 

If Biden had hit grand slams in the three interviews post-debate on ABC, NBC, and BET, he might still be the 2024 Democratic candidate. Instead, they were middling trainwrecks, with the BET interview being especially brutal, forgetting the name of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who Biden referred to as the “black man.” Then, his Nevada trip, where he caught COVID (VEGAS CALLED CODE 421 in Biden was unresponsive and injured.) and possibly had a mini-stroke or transient ischemic attack, put the final nail in the coffin. The president had also met with his top money man, Jeffrey Katzenberg, who said the fundraising operation was bleeding to death. 

Pelosi has maintained she wasn’t behind the effort to force out Biden, saying she never called anyone. Every reporter who has covered the former House speaker knows that’s a lie. Frankly, I think Pelosi, Obama, and Schumer formed a triumvirate in this effort to dump Joe.

I know Jeff the Jew looks like Obama, but he fundraises for me
and he would never pull the plug on me.

No Joe, black nail polish is what I wear.....just in case of a political funeral.

I love Joe Biden to death..........

You can not break rotten eggs without the stink.

-Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
